I dont support the Jade helm conspiracy. Again giggle box not reading post. They closed a few walmarts for 6 months. 2000 people lost their jobs. Ty guys. It's all in fun. KaW is a free expression zone!! Unless it's some really creepy broney stuff. Not the normal broney, but the creepy wierd broney. I only say that because KingCalm keep trying to send me broney RP. Bro. I'm not the one. Try giggle box.
Since Agenda 21 has been mentioned in conjunction with Jade Helm a couple of times, here's a quick synopsis of what rational people think it is: "Agenda 21 is a voluntary action plan developed by the United Nations and national governments at the "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. At the Summit, governmental leaders around the world agreed on the need to become more sustainable—to meet today’s needs without sacrificing our future. Agenda 21 presents a vision for how all levels of government—especially in the developing world—can take voluntary action to combat poverty and pollution, conserve natural resources and develop in a sustainable manner. One-hundred-seventy-eight nations adopted the agenda, including the United States under the Bush Administration. Agenda 21 is not a treaty or legally binding document and does not infringe upon the sovereignty of any nation, state, or local government." http://www.icleiusa.org/about-iclei/faq ... -agenda-21 That would be GHW Bush who signed it. Yes, it's that old. And here's what some people think it is: "Agenda 21: The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship Agenda 21 is called ‘the agenda for the 21st century’ and that agenda refers to global fascism/communism. This is a summary of what Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development / Biodiversity is seeking to impose: • An end to national sovereignty • State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring ‘equity’ (equal slavery) • The State to ‘define the role’ of business and financial resources • Abolition of private property (it’s not ‘sustainable’) • ‘Restructuring’ the family unit • Children raised by the State • People told what their job will be • Major restrictions on movement • Creation of ‘human settlement zones’ • Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they currently live • Dumbing down education (achieved) • Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all the above http://wakeup-world.com/2014/08/05/agen ... tatorship/ That's why the UN has "secret military codes" hidden in our road signs. So the UN military forces will know were to go when they invade. GPS won't be working. Duh. "Secret Military Codes Hidden In Road Signs!" https://usahitman.com/secret-military-c ... oad-signs/ No, I'm not making that up.
Have you ever seen a catalytic converter on a plane? I'm pretty sure it's a combustible engine, which means at the very minimum by accident it's spewing stuff into the atmosphere... No different than your vehicle
We actually did test the equipment to do "chemtrails" back in the 60's and 70's. It's officially documented. We did a thread about a year and half ago. It kinda goes hand in hand with the Rockefeller Report to congress about testing hardware on the general public. I believe this was in 1994 by John D Rockefeller.
I'm really not that hard to get along with when you aren't being a jerk towards me. Which a lot of you have done on here. You all really acted like the nazis on this forum. That's why I give u hard time. *cough* Dragon under posting every comment. Even when he is wrong.
I send you broney? (Whatever that is). I don't send you anything. You are a lunatic. If I sent you anything, it would be one-way ticket to a Baker Act hearing. And no, I will not follow you back. But you don't support the Jade conspiracy nut-jobs? Good. Glad you could change your mind about that. That's how this works. When stupidity reaches the light of day and ridiculous arguments are soundly refuted, people stop defending them.
As a fairly sane (at least I think so) Texan, I don't see any harm in or federal government running training exercises for our nation's military services anywhere in the country. With that being said, I have friends who are big into conspiracies. Keeping an open mind and listening to what my friends have to say, this is suspiciously timed with the big riots going on elsewhere in the country. If our government were trying to enact martial law then this would be one of the best ways to get it to happen. Yes, Texans are a little crazy, we love our guns, and we take pride in our freedom. With that being said, Texas would be this nation's biggest threat against martial law.
ZOMG! CANADA IS IN ON IT! "UNDER JADE HELM, CANADIAN TROOPS WILL HELP ENFORCE MARTIAL LAW ON AMERICANS in 2008, Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for military forces from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an “emergency”. The Canadian/American drills on the border are significant as they clearly signal that Jade Helm is far more than a drill, it entails martial subjugation of the American people by an international force. In Canada, just like Walmart in the United States, Target is laying off of 17,000 people across 133 stores that now lay empty. These buildings are huge, each store being around 130,000 square feet. The amount of space being freed up for military use is enormous and dwarfs what is happening inside the United States with Walmart and Jade Helm Dr. William Mount, a veteran of military logistics and supply, stated that Walmart, in time of U.S. military need, becomes a supplier to the military. According to Mount, this is easy to accomplish because Walmart’s logistics and the U.S. military’s logistics are one in the same. Instead of selling Walmart hunting rifles, M-16’s along with their accompanying ammunition are delivered to the Superstore. Meanwhile, 2300 employees are cut loose with no notice and with no ability to obtain unemployment. Nearly everyone I speak with in the Independent Media has a very similar feeling of foreboding. The warnings and dire predictions are no longer warnings and predictions, they are now our stark reality. http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/ ... americans/ Moose, you got some 'splainin' to do!
I heard that we are actually offering Texas back to Mexico. That would make the other 49 states happy!
No. There is nothing suspicious about the timing. There is absolutely no justification for their opinions and actions. The only reason anything could be suspicious or suspect would be if you fully believed that President Obama was going to take the country by military force. In order to offer any justification for any of their opinions and actions, there are at least six things that you absolutely must believe: 1. That President Obama wants to take over the country by military force and impose martial law; 2. That he has a secret plan that is supported by enough of the military and even his own party, including political rivals (and that no one has leaked any of it); 3. That a full-scale military takeover of the country by force is possible, especially during a time of relative peace and economic prosperity; 4. That the men and women of the American military would accept and implement this plan to subjugate the country by force, including their own hometowns; 5. That despite being willing, having a secret plan, subjugation of the country being possible, and the men and women of the military being ready and willing to carry out this plan, he has not done it yet (seriously, why bother with running for a second term, when you could've just taken over the country); and 6. that somehow the start of this whole insidious plot to take over the entire U.S., is to send troops on a well announced, regularly scheduled training exercise, to only one State. In order to justify, in any way, the actions of the Texas reactionaries, or even consider their actions sane, you and they must absolutely believe all of the above without exception. That is why their delusional paranoia is both funny and scary.
ZOMG! YOU'RE RIGHT! MEXICO IS IN ON IT TOO! AND CHINA! "Report Of Foreign Tanks Coming Into US From Mexico As Jade Helm 15 Aligns Perfectly With 'Aztlan' States - Is The US Preparing To Give 7 States Back To Mexico? The recent alert republished below from the website of Steve Quayle shares an eyewitness account of possible foreign tanks on a train coming into America from Mexico in the El Paso, Texas area. There are several reasons that this alert should be concerning to Americans who are paying attention to events now unfolding across the country, including the Jade Helm 15 events to come in several months as well as other SOCOM 'exercises' happening in locations such as the now-viral Fort Lauderdale, Florida so-called martial law extraction drills. A very worried trucker, spent time in relating to me his account of delivering a tractor trailer load of food to a Chinese military camp 60 miles south of Laredo, Texas. When I questioned him this is what he stated. The camp is 2 miles wide by 3 miles long. There are 10,000 armored vehicles. It blew my mind! I asked him how he calculated the number of armored vehicles and he said he had time to physically count the rows of armored vehicles as the Chinese soldiers unloaded his trailer. He further stated that each armored vehicle could hold between 8-10 men. He went on to relate that he was escorted into Mexico from Texas by Mexican Federal Police so that the truck wouldn't be hijacked by bandits. He stated that living quarters were shipping containers modified to accommodate the soldiers and were positioned neatly in rows. Water tanks, generators and communications complex, a full military base was operational and in place. It should be obvious that this contingency of Mexican pre-positioned Chinese troops and the Chinese troops pre-positioned in Canada are ready to roll North and South when given the command to do so. Under the UN Security Council mandates it doesn't take much to analyze their purpose. Is it only a coincidence that Jade Helm 15 aligns nearly perfectly with the states that La Raza (and Obama?) want given back to Mexico? With global economic collapse clearly on the horizon and the US govt clearly preparing for something massive as shared in the 2nd video below from Jason A., is the global government preparing to hand 7 states back to Mexico in this coming restructuring, this 'new world order'? In the 1st video we learn that all of the drills we're watching unfold prior to Jade Helm 15 are 'federal military drills' and are given a peak at the fact that the original 7 states the Jade Helm 15 drills are being held in align perfectly with the sates that Mexico feels the US 'stole' away from them and La Raza wants back. http://allnewspipeline.com/Jade_Helm_Ch ... ection.php Canada, Mexico, and China are all in on it. All we can do is pray that our brave, patriotic militias can save us from this global conspiracy of tyranny.
@kingcalm I think you are under the impression that jade helm is a Texas only thing. It will be played out across south western America, not just Texas.
It is true that there will be several individual training exercises scattered across several states. It is also true that this in no manner changes how ridiculous the conspiracy theory is, or how paranoid one must be to defend it in any way.
Delta force is just the marine corps. Special forces and if you ask any branch which is more elite they'll all say that THEY are. Truthfully, most our special forces undergo the same training as far as combat and physical training. But they are trained in different environments and elements.
If you do some further research, jade healm is an excercise only. It would be numeraticly impossible to control a population as large as the u.s. Also, we Texans are a fairly resourceful bunch.