The numbers show no one trust people like Dragon. It's not ridicule. It's the truth. People don't like internet news. This counts. I'm trying to help his futility. And hopefully yours as well. These people don't care what you, I or he have to say. Generally people just skim comments enough so they can make a response and have their thoughts heard. Instead of ridicule. Dragon should try to understand Jade Helm and it's goals. Then he wouldn't make a thread that makes people laugh. He made a political attack in response to Texas. Texas is doing what they are suppose to do. They are the hostile territory. The guard plays that role. He was only on here to knock Rand Paul. But logic got in the way so no he is attacking people we watch conspiracy news. Explaining the propaganda and it's purpose works better. Which he could do very well. He is very skilled at forums. The problem is he doesn't understand. He doesn't want to understand. He is a boarder line ideologue. So the agenda of his political persuasion is his only goal. Not actually help anyone. Thanks for posting. I like top page comments. Peace out yo.
I believe this story as well as everything I read in the National Inquirer while waiting in line at the grocery store. I thought something was up when I read that Elvis was spotted in Dallas. I'm heading to my doomsday bunker as we speak.
Think about. People didn't even know what Jade helm was until dragon made this thread. Now they are curious and looking for themselves. I'm not sure if it's a backfire or not. It's not just conservative sources giving this information. Just like Baltimore. People don't want martial law. They aren't white conservatives. They are black liberals. It's the same thing. Same idea. Same fear. So please carry on Dragon. Let everyone know. They will read and make up their minds with out any of us telling them what to think. Which is why msm will key in on the story more. To make sure everyone knows. MSM knows they aren't trusted. Please Dragon keep doing what you do. You are performing as expected and wanted. BaaaaBaaaaBaaaa
So it's your contention that Texas' public response and call for the militia to "defend Texans from the Federal Government" is all part of the hostile territory simulations? I guess that is one attempt at an argument that the paranoid Texans (not all I'm sure), are not completely off their rockers. However, that argument makes even less sense. The Texas government and armed militias are not part of the exercise, and certainly were not cast as villians. Even if they were involved, it would be ridiculous to think that it they would have any need to bring a fake feud to the public eye. Who would they be trying to fool and why? Would they prefer to start an unnecessary panic among their citizenry? I admit that it was an original argument. However, it is more ridiculous than the truth that some people have fostered such paranoid delusions that they interpret regular and announced drills as an armed takeover threat. Sorry you said "peace out" and left. You should have seen how sad that argument was.
All these theories about why I posted this thread are interesting, but the truth is I found it an amusing way to expose just how gullible and stupid some people really are and highlight the fact that there are politicians that actually cater to these idiots. If you want to read it, fine. If you don't want to read it, that's ok too. I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
It's part of the propaganda. Okay. Believe what you want. You aren't American either. I can tell you, but I shouldn't. The media is monitored by everyone. Including hostile nations. The sites give false information on military movements, while putting off a somewhat pro-Russian bias. It's just disinformation. Happy now. If the public consumes this stuff and believes it. That's their fault. As long as they don't become hostile it's all good. It works in our favor. America. On the verge of revolt. Only by the left. They have to literally pay people to start protest in this country. That's how far away that is from reality. Role playa
It is funny. People complaining about all the Walmart closings. Yet complain about Walmart closing out small business. It's the same with everyone. I do it. You do it. We all do it. Just with different stuff.
ZOMG! We are living in the last days of American as we know it! "UN Agenda 21 Being Secretly Implemented By JADE HELM 15 There are mysterious United Nations vans being filmed. There are mysterious Fema Domes popping up in Texas, especially in San Antonio. There is already military popping up in our skies day and night. There is a mysterious biodiversity inventory being taken in the Great Smokies involving the Heinz Foundation (Teresa Heinz Kerry) and the World Bank. The area they are studying has plentiful water and new species popping up every year. Also, I think the Wal-Marts are being inventoried for supplies for those coming into the country. What is all this really leading up to. We are living in the last days of American as we know it. Starting in July life will never be the same." ... e-helm-15/ I always knew Walmart was up to no good.
I got a bunker... Hey some of those sites are pro-Russian. They want to see who visits them, and try to make connections. If you listen to all the protesters. We are in the last days of America as we know it. Just not the way you put it.
They did close a lot of walmarts down. Supposedly they are tunneling them into the underground bunker system. Hope you got your pass. I thought only legit sites were allowed to be linked in this forum. Can I link crappy sites like that? I got a ton of them.
Okay it's been a blast as usual. Before careful what you believe. They repealed the Smith-Mundt act. Government propaganda is legal now. They will spin you so fast you won't know what to believe. Programming and counter-programming. It's not the same as MSM. MSM has been victimized by government propaganda since. Just to see if they will report news they can't verify. You are either the programmer or the programmed, or you can drop out.
I love threads like these. Debates are so much fun to read, the wit (or lack of, sometimes), the ideals, viewpoints and beliefs... It smells of enjoyment to me, that I can look forward to it. Not encouraging it or anything, but these kind of threads are generally the only ones with debate unrelated to KaW. Relating to OP, it's interesting what goes on in the states, no doubt. Baltimore, this Texas thing... Glad it doesn't happen near my house. I like being able to sleep without hearing the CRACK CRACK CRACK of blanks being shot.