Texas On Alert For Hostile Federal Invasion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Black-Dragon, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Surrender your guns. Obey the curfew. Anyone sympathetic to "terrorists" is an enemy of the state. Any news coverage that is subversive will be promptly placed into the memory hole.

    We are recording every human activity across the globe, and we will use the fruits of this information to politically crucify you if you resist us.

    Go about your day. Smile. Pretend like everything is going to be OK.

    Or else...
  2. But jet fuel doesnt melt steel beams :^):^):^)
  3. People don't have 3 faces...
  4. The thing I find most stupid and funny about all of this is that, they are both of the same country.


    It would be a political disaster if the use special unit started shooting it's own people, better yet if the texans shoot at the special unit they would get grinned into the ground.

    We are talking about a special unit that specialises in the art of modern combat, and some crazy Texan with more guns than you can point a stick at. Texans wouldn't win.

    But anyways this "hostile force" is stupid since no hostility will be done to people living there. it's training of the special forces of America. I have no idea how someone can deal with stupidity of this kind :lol:
  5. I live in Texas too...first I've heard of this. No one I know is talking about this. Im sure all governments do stupid things like this that never get reported. Maybe California does practice San Andreas "big one" earthquake drills, or Japan runs practice Godzilla readiness exercises. ๎… I'm sure crazy scenario exercises can still give good practice for skillsets used in reality.
  6. this post needs to be addressed before I even read one more on this thread..... if what I'm about to say has been said already, then I am simply adding my argument to theirs.....


    case closed, thank you, now I can keep reading.

  7. sorry. #quotefail

    this post I mean.
  8. Texas and Florida should just leave the US and start their own country..take kentucky and Indiana and Ohio with you when you go please
  9. Ohio doesn't want unpatriotic jerks like you. Move to Canada ya hippie.(sorry Canada)
  10. So Texas is afraid that USA might try to conquer them? Ummmm...ok.
  11. Not sure why people are tripping so hard. They play war games in Texas all the time. Hell, I've had 15 men with rocket launchers and machine guns layed in my yard for hours on end.

    I've had to go get my kid off the school bus because there were soldiers hiding in the grass where they drop her off with sniper rifles.

    I've had numerous unmarked vehicles with civilian clothe soldiers hanging out in my driveway shooting blanks at helicopters with ak-47's. As humvee's and personnel carriers dart around the countryside shooting blanks at each other with the .50 machine guns. Literally sounding like a war zone.

    So it's not like his kind of stuff never happens. Just the media stirring up the morons
  12. I look outside one morning and see what looks like a trash bag splayed across my driveway. Upon closer inspection it's a sniper in a ghilly suit. Laying in the middle of the driveway, well inside the fence.
    After looking closer, I see 4 people inside our fence hiding in the grass. Holding large machine guns and rockets.
    Another glance revealed 4 more snipers, 1 on each side of the road facing 4 different directions. All with spotters.

    These guys laid in the front yard for easily 10 hours, never moved. Just sat there and war gamed it up. When my daughter got off the bus I went out and talked to the soldiers. Not a single American in the bunch lol. All Dutch.
  13. You have some guts over there. I salute you as a father.
  15. If this is true, where in Texas are you? o_O

    You'll be lucky to see a car chase here. I mean, I live where people are rowdy and crime is steady, but I've never seen something like this^^
  16. I recently relocated, but....

    I came from 4 miles away from the geographical center of Texas. There is a tower and a plaque 4 miles down the road marking it as the geographical center. The closest town was 12 miles away, and had a small military base. It was mainly helicopter training, but on occasion they bring in foreign troops and play war games on the ground.
    Pretty epic hearing the .50 cal mounted machine guns ripping at each other echoing through the trees.
    Or to see the Apache helicopters hovering 30 feet above the road laser targeting a convoy rolling down the road.

    Also, there was never a reason to worry.

    Texas, where you have more guns and ammo than the soldiers playing war games in your yards๎‰๎‰
  17. It's not all of Texas. They're training around the town's by the gulf of Mexico. I should know since I live around here
  18. that is half our army in your yard :lol:
  19. ZOMG! Walmart is helping the Federal Government take over Texas!

    "Underground US Tunnel Map Links WalMart, Jade Helm Locations. Wow Check This Out!"
    http://freepatriotpost.com/underground- ... -this-out/

    Basically, Walmart mysteriously closed some stores in several states for "remodeling" but in fact these stores are linked to a vast nationwide underground tunnel network and are going to be used as FEMA detention centers.
  20. I think its outrageous for US Army to train on homeland. What kind of ******** is this? Obama is a weak president. He should just start a war with some 3th world country so US Army can train better.