(Chuck) Norris argued that while he is “in no way calling into question our brave and courageous men and women in uniform,” he believes nevertheless that we as Americans should remain vigilant about this unprecedented operation.
Fox Station Reports Jade Helm Panic Now In Utah, Ignites "Firestorm"! "Planned military training “Jade Helm 15″ ignites firestorm in Utah May 5, 2015 - Is Utah hostile territory? A military exercise that’s breeding wild conspiracy theories is coming to our state. Fox 13 spoke to the Utah National Guard about the rumors some are calling unconstitutional. Two words, “Jade Helm,” are causing panic across seven states including Utah. The military said it is a big training exercise it wants people to know about so residents aren’t worried if they see special ops troops and helicopters in certain areas. However, a few far right media sites online say they see it as unconstitutional at best. Critics of the exercise say U.S. Special Operations troops are training in America in order to intervene in domestic affairs. The controversy has been the most intense in Texas so far where military units will practice “blending in” in the state’s cities and towns." http://fox13now.com/2015/05/05/planned- ... m-in-utah/ As previously posted, the office of the Governor of Utah said they'd received about 25 calls/emails concerning Jade Helm about a week ago. Unless the number has dramatically increased, I'm not sure if that qualifies as a "firestorm". Nor I have I seen reports of "panic across seven states". Stay tuned!
How about those terrorist getting killed in Garland, Texas! They must not read Jade Helm news. They probably couldn't even read.
Garland Attack And Baltimore Riot Part Of Jade Helm Conspiracy! "ISIS Attacks and Contrived Race Riots Will Make Jade Helm Go Live May 5, 2015 - An incredibly brave and highly skilled Texas traffic cop saved multiple lives Sunday night when he killed two heavily armed men bent on storming a building where Pam Geller’s “Draw the Prophet Muhammad” contest was taking place. Local police, a SWAT team, FBI and ATF agents were on hand for the event, attended by approximately 75 people, which authorities anticipated could bring out Muslim extremists. On April 28, 2015, I shared the contents of a letter that was written to me by an unidentified Texas Ranger, who warned me to not view the Walmart closings a pre-emptive move to establish FEMA camp processing centers. The Ranger warned me that his organization was bracing for a series of ISIS incursions and attacks on Texas soil. We have just witnessed the first ISIS attack and it certainly will not be the last, nor will it be the most violent. In the Garland attack, the ISIS perpetrators were thwarted, but will America be so lucky the next time? In light of the White House’s blackout on communications regarding the event in Garland, should we not continue to question the motives behind Jade Helm since Barak Hussein Obama is ultimately in charge? While we are at it, why do the riots in Ferguson (twice), New York City and now Baltimore all look the same? If one wants to stop the mayhem, they should be looking for groups like ACORN, The Southern Poverty Law Center, the race-baiters like Holder-friendly Al Sharpton and the CIA funded ISIS at these events? These race riots are clearly being orchestrated. This administration will continue to leave our southern border defenseless for more ISIS attacks upon Texas, of an ever-escalating nature. Finally, Jade Helm, or its successor, will be required to bring martial law order to the United States. http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/ ... m-go-live/ Apparently, ISIS is being funded by the CIA, the riots over cops killing unarmed citizens are being orchestrated by ACORN and Al Sharpton, and the whole thing is an Obama plot. As far as the White House black out on communications regarding Garland goes: White House Calls Garland Shooting an ‘Attempted Terrorist Attack’ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/05 ... st-attack/ Of course, that may be part of the plot too.
I love how much people are quoting me here and get all wild up by a joke(troll) But really. Please let Texas be its own state.
ISIS does use a lot of hashtags related to the civil rights movement. They also have been caught recruiting from activist. Especially Black Muslims. It's all fun and games until your cousin is shooting up your employer over some bs.
Fox News is awesome. They get 3x the ratings of the closet competitor. Sometimes 4x. Fox Rox! I think FoX will usher in a fundamental change in America. They are real pioneers. FoX bleeds red, white and blue. The only flag you will see flying is the Stars and Stripes. Get Rekt!
Amen brother.. Fox "news" is only an "entertainment" network geared toward placating the uneducated and narrow-minded masses. That said, there are a LOT of flat out mentally challenged and unstable people in Texas. Thank God I done live there anymore...