Tell, Don't Ask, When it comes to Allies.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. @clumpweight

    When was the last time you've seen 4 LB post on the same forum? Only in a blue moon.

  2. Then you also have people allied with warlor who feel the same. I won't be searching/posting those.
  3. Well, am probably really going to hate myself for this post and probably end up a target as well, but going to post it to give my point of view as I am the worst crybaby when it comes to my allies... lol No apologies for it and I do have it in my banner that I turn into a mad, ranting and raving woman.

    I love my allies, helped them all grow from newbies. I love my bfa from these allies. I know what I have and I know they will keep growing my bfa. I sacrifice my stats for my allies.

    They got me into Top 10000 and got me those pretty ASW stars I get to keep till next one.

    My problem is I never have gold.

    The trauma I go through trying to find the gold to rehire them, especially when I give all my gold away on my alts for pvp or to help newbies grow so am unable to move them around or end up dropping all those newbies that go inactive on me. I lose a fortune when I lose an ally because I have had them for so long. Remember those taxes that were introduced to stop drop volleying... well, I don't make gold when an ally is hired.. I lose gold.

    I get farmed for it or the people I rant and rave at will hire another one just to make me more crazy.

    I always get the message... overprice them, but to be honest I actually don't know ally prices because I only have ones that I have helped grow from newbies and at this point, due to all the gold in the game, the goal posts keep moving every week.

    I haven't done an ee war for ages because am having a bad run with losing them at the moment and once one is hired I have no hope of banking the gold and I won't go and hire anyone else's allies because I feel quite proud of the fact that I have great allies that I helped start out in this game. But not only that, I am respectful about hiring allies from others and if I was to hire one, I would hire from someone with ally trader in their banner anyway.

    That is a joy I get from this game but it seems I'm not allowed to play this way even though it was a big thing owning people you were friends with in old Kaw and you would actually negotiate to own expensive allies. I remember the long conversations I would have with Levite in ally chat even though we were able to talk to each other in other types of apps and although I haven't done it for a while, going to ally chat and telling them all how much I loved them... lol

    It was a fun part of the game owning allies you had made friends with. Like everything else in this game now, it is all about gold and bullying those that don't conform to this greed. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.. that's me... the poor soul who keeps getting poorer. :(

    So, to be called a noob all the time for my stance on this is a bit unfair or like the other week, I got Hoarder!!! plastered on my wall and this person also posted "don't I know what happens to people who hoard allies" and then later on hired an ally from me during pvp which I was opted into. This person also had a banner that read PM for hire of Apoc allies... lol Oh, and how did that all start, I ranted and raved at their clanmate because they hired 2 of my expensive allies at the same time, tell me who wouldn't be annoyed at that anyway. I still don't have back the ally they hired, I couldn't find the gold after struggling to get back the other 2 and then pvp started. :cry:

    Anyway, that's me done on this... guess I better get my tissues ready... lol
  4. Good thread!!! I support free ally market, respecting banners and pvp spells.
  5. @ Wendyms

    You continuously make yourself a target by admitting that you care about having certain allies. That's why you're getting picked on so often. Those people know they can get away with it.

  6. I don't know why you bothered posting those two. Don't see anyone who is an actual leader in Kotfe chiming in, and the second dude is not in a Apoc clan or flying an Apoc banner.

    Moreover, I'm a member of Warlor, and all warlorians on this thread have agreed with me, along with the leader of Silver and one of the biggest builds in Clan A.

    And on top of that, I'm just making a proposal. If Apoc or Wdgaf or another alliance want to adopt it, they are welcome to, but I'm not forcing this on anyone.
  7. Wendy, if you love them you will set them free.

    You have to let a peacock fly.
  8. Well, that is what I was saying anyway wasn't it and the question is, why can't I say it without fear of being bullied over it... I am proud that I helped those people grow from newbies and that they are my allies. The amount of times I have been farmed for it and just put up with it because I don't want my clan getting in trouble for my obsession with my allies, is more times than I can remember... lol

    But my point was to give a point of view from someone who hasn't followed the free ally market trend and who is not a noob and has played this game as a war game as well and relied on those allies for the strength they give me in war which I thought was part of the game anyway... not to make gold but to enhance your stats during war. Don't you glance at a person's allies and equipment to assess your chances on hitting them successfully ... I even do that in pvp when hitting the battle list. Look at my piddly little spies and then add my spy attack bfa of 47.2 mil and I am likely to have a crack at hitting a spy with much bigger stats than me.
  9. alot of people say open ally market still complain about allies being bought 10/10 seems legit :lol: :lol:
  10. You keep?
  11. You should know why I posted those two. You asked who the apocalypse members, not leaders, were I was referring to.
    And it's a well known fact that accounts tagged with machine are apart of apocalypse.
    You say that you're only making a proposal yet you're going around calling people noobs, dismissing their opinion when they don't agree with yours. There's no point in open discussion if you can't accept that some people will shut this idea down when they bring up legitimate points.
  12. At first I thought this thread was about faggots in the military
  13. Who says I'm not allowing for discussion and debate? I'm debating with you, am I not? As for Machine, anyone can add that to their name if the want to.

    I never imagined 100% Apoc to agree with me, but by the looks of it lots of big Warlor and silver players agree. The jury is still out on how kotfe leadership would feel.
  14. A spy build in OSW is subject to loads of incoming attacks. It is understandable that some common courtesy be extended when buying allies off anyone in OSW. My experience dealing with anyone at warlor has been very positive. Some even got back to me asking me to volley the ally they wanted to keep cuz I enquired about them.
  15. 1) OP doesn't even have 1t in allies 2) His clan and silver have hoarders. 3) Silver arent apart of apoc and he asks of apoc position but then singles out kotfe? Why? 4) Are the rest of apoc invisible to you? 5) OP makes a thread about ally hires talks about lb this and that but he doesn't even have 1t himself so he isn't affected by this and shot down noobs at max plunder for not having a clue when he's not better. 6) Just another attention seeking thread
  16. 1 and 5 are the same, 2 warlor are part of Apoc, silver are allied with. 4 see 2, warlor are part of Apoc.

    I would assume he referred mainly to kotfe as the biggest part of Apoc (clan wise)
  17. Yeah Truth, my owner and a fellow clannie bought some off me so I'm a little low on allies ATM. Actually, if you add them all up, they come to a little over 1T. But if you wanna cry about it, you're welcome to.

    My bank has a few T, but I'm not gonna be stupid enough to post with my bank, now am I?
    Use the brain and think before you start crapping your pants over the state of my allies. 
  18. You haven't had over a trillion all osw . You've been trying to bc. Your no more than max plunder you've probably hired 5 times this year and yet make a thread about how tough it is for lb . Your a joke.
  19. Truth7 is a statless alt too scared to post with a main.