Tell, Don't Ask, When it comes to Allies.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Never going to happen.
  2. Lol, huh?

    What exactly will never happen?
  3. Says a noob with almost no allies. Keep playing with small builds, noob. The story is different on higher levels.
  4. What's the point? Also out of personal experience, I put "ally not for sale" on my banner. But oh wait!? *shocker* ppl still buy them!!! So really? I just save up, and buy back. Its no big deal really
  5. Awwwww.... Is your phone app game playing on a higher level than my phone app game playing?

    The reality is you play the same on every level, you don't suddenly change when you get higher stats. You have and always will be scared on a phone app, too scared to even hire allies.
  6. Seems like a lot of talk with people saying ljust hit hire button"

    Would u really do that to some players?
  7. Look at you dude. When was the last time you owned a 5T plus ally?

    This thread doesn't apply to you really.
  8. Somebody once told me ask for hires then he bumped that ally. I got mad and I won't ask for hires ever again. Also, I wrote his name down so once I get in his range I can rek him
  9. On these accts, yes I just hire ...on mains no. But admittedly I've never had allies worth more then 300b (each) on these accts and I'm sure that's a factor, but so far it's never been an issue for me. I've had a few people wall or PM me over it but I can't recall warring someone over buying their ally.

    ...I'm sure a lot depends on who's doing the buying of the "don't hire allies". Surely some people can get away with it more than others.
  10. Yeah I hired off LB accts for lols in the past

  11. Exactly. Most of these noobs are ignorant of what the problem is. We are not talking about hiring some chump change 100B ally. We are talking BC players about buying allies worth trillions where it would cost hundreds of billions to buy back. And it is a real issue. Bomanator, Harb, and Teja were all stripped partially over their attitudes towards ally hiring.
  12. I won't argue that point. Not proud of it but it does exist.
  13. so what acct you talking about? The one you're taking on has highest ally value of 862b the 2nd is 70b (that I can see) ...not really what i'ld call ally LB material.
  14. I totally agree with frog, getting trillions put out in the open sucks when you like to play the game the way it was meant. I take incoming Attks it's a way if life for me. That's why I say pm for ally hires. That being said his idea does have some merit, it's a good idea and should be more widely accepted as it is superior to any method I've seen put forward
  15. So what about gold hoarders not in PvP events playing the dumb card?

    Does Ops enter PvP or for that matter anyone on this thread ignoring opt in on profiles?
  16. Nope that's a waste just hire if no woc or real osw
  17. You don't see much then. I have various accounts that recycle allies as strips go on and I need to grow. My bank has far more allies than I do. It's called OSW. Try it sometime.
  18. @Nighthawk

    In those cases I think giving a 24-hour notice is a good solution. Lots of these noobs act like they got big almonds and say they will hire whenever but they are not trading with the big boys. I personally would not hire from someone in a PVp event unless I'm deliberately opening up for a strip.
  19. Good news is EB Faeries will need towers n hit back. I foresee the dumb card played as usual when buying allies from ppl in PvP without checking profiles.

    A master stroke of genius Frog 

    Alts r a good thing for ppl to have once a DTW noob plays dumb.
  20. Personally I think it's fair to pm and wait until a person is on, if they are in a genuine osw, and they are receiving incoming. I would not want them to lose gold over a hire. But there are way to many who use the fact they are in osw, to ignore and shut up shop to hoard allys. If people ignore follow or pm, you should ignore banner as simple as that.
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