Technology's Effect on Human Evolution

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Jan 30, 2015.

  2. Straight wisdom
  3. Weird retirement thread I thought this female front fart quit?
  4. Indeed. With terror incidents at an all time high, it makes me wonder why more hasnt been done to protect our power and communication grid. They are particularly vulnerable to attack, which as you say, will leave most of us in the dark.

    I know i wont be ready lol
  5. Your post reminded of a BBC article i read recently. It talks about a study that found a direct link between mental/physical illnesses and people's ability to "be out in nature."

    I dont recall all the details, but i think it highlights some of your points regarding mental health as well as another common concern related to the use of technology - spending too much time being sedentary indoors alone.
  6. Indeed. Unfortunately, some of the most profound medical breakthroughs have come at the expense of animal cruelty.
  7. You make a fair point. I suppose we trade one skill/ability for another.

    You would really let someone chip you?

    I love technology too (im a developer) but i draw the line at implantable devices 
  8. Idk about the "end" but it will suck till we find an alternative power source
  9. Honestly, this is way too complex to text on my my phone. There are so many ways technology helps/hinders the human race.

    We had a discussion about it in my psychology class and an argumentative essay in my English 155 class. It's been touched on more than the stump and rue met the Apollo theater. Bottom line is there will never be a clear answer until the future plays out.
  10. Fair point. Can we make some reasonable assumptions about the future based on the way things have played out thus far?
  11. No, we were not made to please your pathetic needs.
  12. I would say we will always crave interactions with each other, it's hard wired, we will still want to be active and fit to attract the opposite gender, but we will use technology to reach peaks of enlightenment otherwise impossible. I mean Google is awesome right?
  13. Yes technology has come a long way..
    Pollution, War r better understood...
    China cannot breath...
    Collateral damage a buzz phrase on CNN
    Media brings us up to the minute murders..
    Hellya we advance n regress at the same time........thats artificial intelligence
  14. @donkey,

    I think youre right. In theory, women should be attracted to wealthy men with stable income and lifestyles.

    But study after study continues to show that women are attracted to very primitive things like tall, muscular men with deep voices and alpha male personalities...
  15. Now everyone pay close attention.

    These are examples of what happens when you don't stay in school. You see something that looks like you might have to use more than a few brain cells, and you start spewing verbal diarrhea.

    Now you Three Stooges are welcome to stay on my thread, provided you can actually contribute to the discussion (doubtful). Otherwise, please take your candy ass off my thread and onto something your simpleton brains can handle.

    Cheers! ️
  16. Well actually Cheers I'm working on a masters atm and the people that know me on KAW are pretty well aware I was a collegiate athlete.. But that's only relevant because you feel the need to discuss someone's education on 9+ app. You on the other hand finish one year of college and psych 101 and you feel like trying to impress people on free phone game(that you don't even play) with some way off topic discussion.

    This is a 9 plus game. Take it to some sort of social media. It shows your lack of understanding of the world around you to bring this sort of discussion to a 9 game.

    Why are you so obsessed with KAW forums that you want to continue to come here? Are you trying to impress the teens that have yet to reach your 1 year of college status?

    Or is it the 9year olds?
  17. He has a superiority fail.. He failed at this game so he feels obligated to come here and attempt to assert himself as some sort of intellectual superior.. Smh kids

    Did they teach you about compensatory behavior in your freshman psych class?