That's it then, your decision is made. It's the apple tattoo for you. Instead of 'think different', you should have 'inspired by monkey poo' tattooed underneath instead.
You should sell advertising space on the side of your kennel to Apple snoopy. That way you wouldn't be wholly dependent on a small, troubled, confused, bald headed child. You should also be charging that stupid yellow bird rent.
If it wasn't for Woodstock,Snoopy wouldn't be able to get his special "flea & tick" powder though...;-)
Oh,and Purp...if'n ur gonna get a tramp stamp it should be.."Will hoe 4 xtal" or mith,seals ur choice.Anything a "catfish farmer," could use. :-D
With Alphabet's(Google's parent company,)current market value of $560bil vs. Apple's $535bil and Android's 65-70%+ market share over iphones dropping numbers you may want to rethink that world domination theory...just sayin.