
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -PurpleEyelash, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. can put your blood type there. I fail to see any other usage for a tattoo.
  2. I like that first one Todd can't believe you got a pic of me tattoo'd
  3. Really committed to Apple lol
  4. I'm more for an android. :p
  5. We could never be friends I only talk to iPhone users
  6. When Apple take over the world and we all become icitizens we will all have to have that tattoo.
  7. That is true. The mark of the beast
  8. That's it then, your decision is made.
    It's the apple tattoo for you.
    Instead of 'think different', you should have 'inspired by monkey poo' tattooed underneath instead.
  9. Ok I'll get that one as a tramp stamp
  10. chinese symbol for water on right buttcheek

    no pics soz
  11. Well with Apple being worth like 500 billion... Yah. :p
  12. You should sell advertising space on the side of your kennel to Apple snoopy.
    That way you wouldn't be wholly dependent on a small, troubled, confused, bald headed child.
    You should also be charging that stupid yellow bird rent.
  13. If it wasn't for Woodstock,Snoopy wouldn't be able to get his special "flea & tick" powder though...;-)
  14. Oh,and Purp...if'n ur gonna get a tramp stamp it should be.."Will hoe 4 xtal" or mith,seals ur choice.Anything a "catfish farmer," could use. :-D
  15. Tramp stamps are so dated.
    What you need is a Trump stamp, ppl will love it
  16. Support for Apple tat. But should just be the logo no writing necessary.
  17. With Alphabet's(Google's parent company,)current market value of $560bil vs. Apple's $535bil and Android's 65-70%+ market share over iphones dropping numbers you may want to rethink that world domination theory...just sayin.