Taken Away - FEEDBACK

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *OkamiAmaterasu (01), Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Magickous, your guy could be a traitor to the demons, but in another way than you might expect  Can't say anything more because then I'd have some major SPOILER ALERTS 
    Thanks, by the way 
  2. Your story is awesome Ameratsu
  3. It's so great! And plus my character is finally introduced:))) yay!!
  4. Oh my G-D! I ******* LOVE YOU!

    Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg! I love it how my character is introduced! Plus the effect of the blurry air around his form, plus the momentary seizures.

    I also hate you so much because you're making us wait until next chapter!
  5. I love this story :D I check FF every day and I'm like "is Taken Away updated yet?!"
  6. Aw, thank you so much, guys  I'll try to write as fast as I can 
  7. Make sure that you don't forget the seizure thing later, otherwise it will ruin the point of being a shapeshifter because my character will be too overpowered.
    Also, don't make it TOO clichéd by the times he gets seizures...
  8. I won' forget it, because I have something planned 
    What do you mean by "too cliched"?
  9. Don't make it always:
    "Visceral! I need you so that we can kill the bad guys and complete our mission! (lol.) Oh no! Visceral HAPPENS to be spasming RIGHT NOW! Oh noes!"
  10. Yes, I get it 
    That wouldn't be too good 
  11. Just posted a draft of the Nayda-map on the story-thread :)
    Tell me what you think here, so I can make the finalized version as good as it can be :D

    Hugs, Sophie.
  12. It's really good I hope you make way more chapters :)
  13. I'm planning on making many more chapters  School's just keeping me really busy 
  14. Ino I have lotsa homework