Taken Away - FEEDBACK

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *OkamiAmaterasu (01), Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Thanks, by the way 
  2. I'm okie dokie.

  3. Hahah, okay Elder Bachelor Dragon 
  4. New chapter tomorrow!
  5. Okay, there's a chapter tomorrow instead. Why? My iPad ran out of battery and I write my stuff on it. I can't wait for it to charge and finish writing, because we're having guests over. Sorry 
  6. Can't find it... Did you post a new one? :O
  7. Thank school for me not posting 
    I've been really busy, but I'll HOPEFULLY get a chapter up today, since we have a short day today.
    Also, do you want to have a map of the region (Nayda)? If so, I can try to make one 
    School is really making me busy now, so updates will be less frequent.
    Thanks for sticking to the story despite this and I love you all 
  8. MOAR!

    It's awesome though. You rock man/woman!
  9. Hahah, thanks :)

    I'm a girl, by the way :p
  10. Well, your main character is a girl... So I guess so.

    Nice story, it moves amazingly smoothly and doesn't get bland.

    You're professional :D
  11. And yes, to Princess_Elf, Aranel is you if you were wondering :)
  12. Thank you sooo much :D
  13. Wow! Love it! It's so amazing, and so well-written!
  14. can my demon guy be a traitor?
  15. I wish I could be called professional...

    *takes anti-inferiority meds*
  16. But cheese, you ARE professional in your writing 