Tactical Force Vs WarLoR. (OSW).

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TF-WaR_ZonE, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Anne yes I saw that , kinda like IMF is usually strongest in your matchup and very hard to ko it's an advantage --- just like when these big osw are over matchups will change drastically wait till people match with zafts big guns who is gonna beat a team full of the lb players..... no one , does that mean because u got zaft it's unfair -- no it just sucks your rank2
  2. Refusing to fight is a weak excuse at best. We were matched with a clan outnumbering us by 13. We fought and they ff at 2 hour mark. Now, they had a lot of inactives, but you can't know that going in. If you don't try, you'll never know though.
  3. Hi kaw  let me clear up a few points. I'm not -IMF-'s alt. We get confused all the time only because we are both so darn cute.
    OP .. Knows nothing.
    @ 3141592, you're a moron.
    See more proof I'm not -IMF-'s alt because he is so much nicer 
    This started because I .. As in me and me alone.. Exercised my first amendment right and posted a wall.
    Yes , TF decided to protest a war.  Dumb as that sounds its true. Most ppl grab a sign and stand on a street corner. TF decided to play open farm for Silver.
    One lone player decided to find some self respect and hit back. I simply congratulated him on his efforts.
    Everyone knows my position. Outclassed-outnumbered , who cares you still fight. This is a war game last I checked 
    TF- Dog got all butt hurt and told me to stay off his members wall .. Or else. I know scary 
    I said , "why? Because you might hit me?! Lmao"
    TF-DOG then went on to call me really bad names 
    He then unfollowed me and all was well. Done deal, problem solved. Or so I thought. Then much later I was given a "heads up " that Tactical Force and sub clan Tactical Fear were mobilizing against Warlor in a full scale attack.. In 3 days.
    We figured , why wait. The whole 3day thing is so dramatic 
    We attacked them instead. So here is our "official" position.
    We could care less about TF and their hurt feelings. We are not in osw for any reason other than, it's fun and why not? 
    TF has graciously donated their allies so -IMF- can continue to climb into LB fame. 
    We thank you TF.
  4. What happened to no forums 
  5. For the record, for those commending the lone player that hit, it was by no means anything heroic. The kid didn't see the ca and apologized for the next two hours for hitting. Nothing heroic or valiant there.
  6. I remember fighting in an OSW again IMF and his crew. Tough battles. My money is on warlor in this fight.
  7. Hey TF still don't see and Inc I'm rlly getting tired waiting so ill keep unloading bars on your members. What excuse are you butthurt noobs going to make when members complain I'm Bill Clinton's son lol. Wouldn't be surprised If you used that one it's better then Val being -IMF-'s alt.

    ༤ᏯᎯཞᏝᎾཞ ༤  [​IMG]
  8. Hey now, keep it classy 
  9. How much classier can you get then Bill Clinton lol @mike

    ༤ᏯᎯཞᏝᎾཞ ༤ 
  10. I think this was one of the stupidest ways to START a OSW
  11. @Valor, I looked at ur wall (17 hrs ago atm raige55's comment). Went to his wall, saw ur post (16 hours ago now). I assumed they were related (also looke at raige55's wall - ur post from 1 hr ago). It *seems* like you are his alt. I didn't say that I *know* that, just gave my two cents because it seems suspicious. I don't care what happens in this osw, just putting that info out there.
  12. And another OSW starts
  13. From RAIGE55 to Valor:
    "I feel so betrayed, I had no idea you are IMF's alt WarLor" 2/18/13 03:10
    Valor to RAIGE55:
    "How did you not know that " 2/18/13 03:58
    PS: someone check the emoticons used... lol
    RAIGE55 to Valor:
    "What up IMF!!! How you doing bud? "
    2/18/13 19:30
    Valor to RAIGE55:
    "Seriously, RAIGE I'm undercover " 2/18/13 19:32
  14. Im having fun everyone ive talked to in warlor seems pretty cool. Lol thats not going to stop me from trying to be the biggest pain in thier ass i can. A good osw where everyone is fighting but no real nasty comments being thrown around is a respectable war. More clans should learn from these two clans
  15. EDIT: Some emoticons are incorrect,  but the text is the same. ;)
  16. Thecore is a forumwarrior Outside forums he does nothing. I have no idea why mike let him in WarLor. Most of the memebers i talk to in his clan thinks hes a noob.
  17. Awe look everybody it's a butthurt noob

    ༤ᏯᎯཞᏝᎾཞ ༤ 
  18. Im butthurt?You cry to ur admins and owners and no hit back. I hope warlor hurrys and win and they kick u out.
  19. This is my last comment lets go after this OSW and then you can go crying to your mom
     Pce Forums see you after OSW is over

    ༤ᏯᎯཞᏝᎾཞ ༤  [​IMG]
  20. Both LB clan 40 vs 38 is not fair match?  Confused...