Tactical Force Vs WarLoR. (OSW).

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TF-WaR_ZonE, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Goliath; I think we can all agree you should leave this thread.
  2. if your stats match yet you are outnumbered even if you try it is mathematically impossible Because other than hoping the odd few are inactive which they won't be if they haven't veiled. Also if they try use xtals etc then it would be a waste of time and money so just ride it out listen to some music and ff it halfway its not your opponents fault but its not your fault either so why should you waste your time for a technical fault? There is no honour in a game and there will be no point either if it isn't fun.
  3. Well, I said my fair share. 
  4. It was a bad matchup. Which we have had before. Dev's showed we had more members active than we did. When brought to their attention they said they were correct. Later to say that they found what happened was several veiled after roster locked. Which was not true. We knew correct numbers at the start. They then told us silver was 5% stronger and has numbers on us but the matchup was fair. The protest was because of the Dev's lies and not doing fair match ups. So we have opted not to do ee wars until they get calculations fixed. War started when someone who had no clue started running their mouth.
  5. That's my last post. Said my peace. If you want more pm me.
  6. We never ran our mouth. The clan owner had said they he doesn't respect those who don't fight it out. Why should u care if u have our respect or not? Your clan sounds like the ones who 'started' it by getting upset that a clan doesn't respect u.
  7. It'd be pretty funny if someone changed their name (and their alt's) to TF-xxx and II-WAR-xxx-LOR-II. 
  8. TF and warlor
    The clan version of red-star and cella :p

    Lots of domestic abuse :eek:
  9. Ehhh I think both sides will destroy themselves and both fall off the leaderboaarrd. If I had to choose id go with the underdogs Tactical Force.

    -Doc :)
  10. Clans don't fall off LB that easy... Winning side shouldn't move more than 1 rank
  11. Hmmm -- let's see the matchup wasn't an absurd matchup -- 2 more people and a bit stronger - if battled correctly a winnable match by either side -- it was an unfair matchup so you laid down , ok --- but because of words you now want an osw with a bigger clan how much sense does that make ?
  12. Clumsy's earlier post, wow u got off easy I had a target run to LOR naturally I kept hitting. I was warned by IMF naturally I ignored which led to a month long me vs LOR battle
  13. We have had some mismatches in EE wars, losing by wide margin a few times, but we give it our best fight and do not forfeit a war. Tactical Force decided not to fight at all and walled members not to hit in EE. Valor commended number one for at least starting to hit in EE, TF clan owner engaged in war of words with her and it went from there. Valor not IMF alt. Osw's seem to start over alot of posturing, personally I enjoy EE wars alot and would like to see number mismatches addressed.
  14. Princess match ups do get screwed up!!! We've all seen it in most clans that do the ee--- with such huge variances in acct sizes, clan sizes, devs are trying to work on it( respect to them ) when u get a bad matchup it is. The big issue I had with this protest was it wasn't a mismatch --- rank of 6 vs 11 and 2 more ppl it was by far not even close to a " bad matchup " Warlor, silver , -RCA- have all had wars where out numbered by 15 to 20 --- that's a BAD matchup -- also if rather fight a guy a bit stronger then 20 midgets vs me 
  15. Guess we'll find out this weekend if EE Wars match up is finally fixed.
  16. Respect to TF and Warlor
    Enjoy the game
  17. Too true Richard! In our last EE top guy was 10X stronger than IMF. I know devs have a hard job getting these EE's right. I hope that they can get a good method worked out before all the other clans in osw's enter the EE's.
  18. Fixed in what way ?? Will never be perfect unless they possibly pooled all ee warriors and set own teams --- I sure as hell don't want that , they can only match who signs up
  19. No choice in the last one Princess. They were no.1 we were no.2, didn't matter if they were a 100x times stronger than us that was the fairest it could have been given the circumstances.
    It would have been truly unfair if RCA ranked 1 were matched up against the 3rd ranked clan.
    No that last EE was a fair fight. We lost fair and square.