Tactical Force vs WarLor - OSW - Who will win?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Shamira-, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. I've warred with La Resistance. They're hardy warriors. They never give up even if losing by a mile. Nuff said.

    Tactical Force. I don't know about you but whatever the outcome it ain't gonna be pretty.
    So my best wishes to you. Cos you're gonna need it.

    This war will be over in..... ^Checks watch. Looks at the weather. Looks at Calender n Moon Phase....

    It will be over in less than 7-days.
  2. I completely agree on the time male stone. Many of them aren't hitting us just hitting eb. Some are already low pots its just sad
  3. Been in tac force before and they weren't war clan but idk much bout warlor so I think I'll stay neutral
  4. No incoming for hours.  I think their strategy is to bore us to cf 
  5. He's just taking the strips off our clan page 
  6. Hey... I don't know if it's just me seeing this, but TFear has been doing EBs all day and it looks like some have xtalled on the eb. Last time I checked OSW wasn't against apherium
  7. zzzzzzzz

    Id say its a toss up, I'm a new player but i can already tell TF is emerging as a force in KaW. TF is very organized though most members haven't been playing for more than a year so LOR has more experience id say. Good luck to both sides!
  8. Good point zilla
  9. Wtf thekiller? If they were a force people would know about them.
  10. Money is on warlor
  11. Support TF for being outnumbered :) OSW is full of funs and have no rules. Just take it as a game and try your best! Cheers!
  12. @ Ryan
    Why is it as soon as something is typed , it becomes gospel? Count how many in WarLoR and how many in TF.
    Outnumbered 
    Check your math and history . It's TF who don't both to hit if outnumbered by 2.
  13. Maybe I should stage a protest 
  14. Maybe you should worries about getting allies again. You make Warlor look stupid. Be wise and shhh
  15. Support for TF who face a opponent so many times bigger than their size. :D Am sure you guys will enjoy the war and learn alot more :)
  16. You idiot iprophet, Val banked her gold right away because that was the smart thing to do, they didn't strip her. Maybe you should learn to do research a little better.
  17. Banked?

    25% loss. Therefore it could count as successful.
  18. All I see is trash talk from WarLor.
    Even if you win, you'll get no respect acting like this.