For our part , it's simple. We war to defend ourselves. We told TF-Dog that WarLoR only accepts mutual cf. We do not try to embarrass anyone with humiliating apologies on forums. We do not war to satisfy one persons ego. TF-Dog wants to go for total WarLoR disband. To do this he calls us bullies and yet has 6 clans hitting for him while he plays EBS. WarLoR does not quit , we do not cry for help and we war til the end.
As co-owner of Warlor, feel free to swing by my wall for a visit - our status/stance can be found there. I certainly did not request a CF and nor am I looking for one. My main and alts alone will be stripping TF accounts one at a time until it sinks in. TF members can thank TF-Dog for getting them into this mess
I would like to hear the name of these so called WarLor members asking for a CF. They are NOT Leaders of WarLoR.
Much respect to WarLoR. This war has taught me a lot and though I want this war to end, I don't want it to end, because of how much I've learned. ★★TF to the end★★
trying to boost your clans morale, so it must be low and trying to bring down the enemys guess is warlor is winning
To everyone that doesn't care, don't post. This was directed as an informational post.and for those whoo do want to read it.
So much disrespect from the viewers of this thread which clearly stated TFs look on the war. Much respect to my TF family, and respect to WarLor for holding it together, especially WarLor hellhounds. I've learned so much as of late with everyone involved including the opposing clan. Lets keep it going TF, and good luck WarLor