Taco RP; A Basic Guide

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by The-Raj, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Consider yourself an honourary Knight Templar of The Taco.
  2. Stop blaspheming or leave. Pimd is a distant realm of Hell for those who ignore the teachings of The Taco.
  3. All hail the Taco Fossil! 

    If you get the reference have a cookie.
  4. You crazy people stop trying to use me for your rp. Using me without my permission is against the tou 
  5. How dare you enter this place of worship blasphemer.
  6. I only taco rp in bed
  7. Mmmmm taco bell
  9. I got yo taco right here homie.
  10. Between deez NUTZ !!! Lmfao