T8 Epic Battle Guide!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by fluffles, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Pheonix's guide is better
  2. Lol I was in the same clan as Phoenix while making the thread. We were trying to see who could make the thread the fastest.
  3. It wasn't necessarily a competition.
    I saw your post in CC, and decided that my plans for a thread for T8 had to be enacted immediately.
    Personally, your thread is more "Wulf" style.
    I was going for a basic approach, and will also update my thread as we go along.
  4. 15 mins faster and this thread would of been stickied lol
  5. Cobra coils regens
  6. For all the haters....Jesus Christ! The man tried to do his best! Thank you for doing a great job on trying to help us out. It looks great! If anyone an do better, stop criticizing and get to typing for Gods sake. It may not be perfect, but it is far better than what I put up. Thanks again brother (or sister). (I) appreciate your efforts.
  7. Looks good mate! gJ
  8. nice thread.how about fixxing the issues at hand with kaw instead of creating new issues the new ring stats are terrible and payout is even worse kaw is a war game.
  9. ooooo... the scorpion is female.
  10. I do have a question... What's an epic battle? What purpose do they serve? Are they related to the battle button?
  11. They are CPU monsters, where you can destroy, using different attacks and items, where you get plunder and items from it.
    It does not retaliate.
  12. Cobra Coils regen is 1,792 every 2 mins
  13. How far can the new ring be enchanted too?
  14. Level 10 5.5 million spy attack and 7.5 million spy defense
  15. Oh. Thanks Phoenix. So basically it's like me saying I'm a fighter because I punch the wall?
  16. Lol. Yes, basically.
  17. There is a regen on Cobra each 5min I think idk how much soldiers regen tho.