No worries. I can wait. Please name 1 player inspired change to KaW that wasn't a money grab from developers?
Im just going to repost this. This is what you're doing to your game devs. Stupid events, money grabbing is actually making you less. How about you ask your players for ideas and actually implementing something than another dumb hunt where biggest xtaller wins.
Exactly, one occasion they RESPOND. But never act. They turned the last pvp promo into a ******* pwar
Feb 2011 until last night, 4 years. You can see when it began to fall apart. In the last year with the dumb events and hte.
I'm not exactly saying ATA is right here. I'm simply saying, I consider this "my" game. I enjoy this game and will enjoy playing it. I've given up on the ideas of becoming #1 or even near that. It won't happen. Unless I hit the powerball. I 100% agree that the developers need to take action too, I just don't see why it's necessary to waste energy in time on a thread where we all know they are no longer checking.
To be fair I think we've seen a huge change in the app market and the ways these companies are generating revenue over the past few years,so being in the top 200 grossing apps is still quite an achievement imo , especially over this time span Remember mafia wars or vampire wars and there was also a military one, all essentially the same format as kaw that are dead among countless others All that being said, I agree with what your main underlying theme was troll lol.
Coincidentally when kaw_community was our supposed voice to the devs. What a wonderful voice he has been. So inspiring they made a reality tv show about him.
The difference is the devs changed their business practice. They're old model worked and we loved it.
I'm coming up on 3 yrs playing and still enjoy the challenge in this app,I started another account 8 months ago and almost BC on LL HL and HF using only the xtals from quests and promo's it's still possible.As far as the actual war aspect goes open the other war apps and try and advance there it's next to impossible to advance without spending every app boils down to how much you spend. None have the social aspect that KAW has and a lot of them have a wc that would embarrass even the prison inmates,entertainment is up to the individual if I find games or other things like music or movies that don't entertain I do not purchase or listen to them.Its all up to the individual nothing good comes free you need to work towards it I've complained about this all ppl but there's a new challenge now getting to have a build to hit ASOF consistently without spending anything else on the game which I admit I did.Spending is a choice the same as playing this app is a choice.
So I sent an email to support last night on the topic of devs actively participating in forums. This is the email I sent: USERS ON KAW FORUMS NEED INTERACTION AND RECOGNITION FROM THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM. The user "kaw" should be actively participating in forums, replying to topics and giving feedback on player made ideas. Devs should be DIRECTLY reading feedback, not having it forwarded to by support or kaw_comm. Middle men tend to sugar coat things with bias and red herrings. There needs to be more interaction period. Yes, there will be hate, but devs know how to deal with that. Theyre all mature adults (hopefully). I want to see maybe developer forum accounts, and support accounts giving their feedback on forums. Example: Ruby, she should have a forum account. Make her name red. Maybe call her Red Ruby. I dunno. Give an account to Jordan, and Marvin, and Steve. Give the development team (coders, graphic designers, etc.) red named accounts too. Come on guys. We need YOU. The devs are what make the game. They are the people who will keep it alive. We need this in order to still have the game we love and enjoy 5 years from now. This is the reply I got: Hey Seth, I understand exactly what you're saying, we're working on it, please be patient. Thanks, Ruby. After I replied to that, asking what "we're working on it" means, I got this: Hey Seth, I get it, and we've mentioned it, so we're working on it but please understand there's a lot of us and we're trying to figure out how this would work. It also means some of us don't work every day. It also adds another level to all the things I have to check every day so we're trying to balance the novelty of having a red name with the ability for it to be effective. Does that make sense? Ruby. So if what they say is true, we will be getting what we're nagging about of this thread. Let's give it some time.
I think the perfect situation to have a dialogue with devs would be select a few "community ambassadors " who can start there own threads and have the community talk about gripes or problems Ambassadors then take what they feel is legitimate and can have a discussion thread with devs that is purely question and answer and civil No one except devs and ambassadors can post in this thread
@spil EXACTLY. People from all different ways of playing, areas of the world, and age range. We need a diverse community of KaW players that want to better the game for the entire player base.
There old model did work esp before hte. Only nob purchases and xstals were used and the 24 xstal limit on haunts and other ebs had a quicker growth but not to the extent it has now. The xstals were used for the hard ebs and to help ppl. Ppl didnt start to max xstal until they trialled the dbl and triple plunder on ebs. U would save ur xstals for war, tbo and other ebs such as tt etc to help clannies get eq
New Age started a riot to implement this before. This is where the KaWmunity fails. Ppl can't decide who should be ambassador. Too many ppl think too highly of themselves and every conversation turns into battles of words, wits, and children
Devs response to this thread: 1. New pay to start eb which pays more than HTE 2. New pots that cost a fortune to let people hit the inflated stats 3. Will cut HF prices and piss off everyone who has bought them 4. Soon to come level 4 abyss! 5. More stupid ass promos 6. Totally ignore issues 7. Watch this chart drop more