T7 Upgrades, EB Payout Changes, and a Weekend Promo!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Great to see that things the players have requested. Ignore anyone who complains about this as they are simply complaining for the sake of complaining. This helps new players grow and helps mid players too. Big players get more stuff to build too so nobody loses. Everyone wins with the new eb payouts too with BR as most players will need to hit a lower eb at some point for the BR bonus.
  2. Nahhhh.... Giving up 
  3. No way we've just had a crapping event
  4. Now cut HF building UG just like u did with HL ️
  5. Support
  6. Support I could use the upgrades to afford abyass now
  7. Holy crap these stats are huge! 2.7T to triple the existing stats
  8. Mr. Kaw Admin,

    May I ask about the round wars for season 5? Will you remove it and just replace with individual war slot or are you planning to fix round wars? Still I don't see the future for round wars for season 5, just curious.
  9. think this is the moment we have all been waiting to for to reset T 7 lvl 5? is this a joke?
  10. Wow I just love to see bigs complain so about upgrades like 900 bill. The reason they make that stuff so high is cuz you guys don't know how to actually hit anything else except hte.
  11. I really appreciate your curiosity, but we are not ready to talk about the Season yet as we do not want to create any false expectations. Will have an update for you in the not-to-distant future.
  12. Never! Work for it like we all did!
  13. Supportttttt
  14. So instead of working on S5 which regarding all the threads recently, you should have, you worked on more upgrades instead? Wow there's a reason you're called kaw_community... Did you forget?
  15. This is just utter madness, devs have lost the plot completely
  16. We need stats for new buildings..
  17. Let me guess you still didn't do anything about hit range so now these whales can add even more towers and slap me around and I still can't do anything back.
  18. In b4 more complaints about S5
  19. No matter what devs do to s5 it will be bad since the strength from all these new buildings is gonna be highly uneven on both sides