I wonder if kawflation will result in a revaluation of the kaw currency? Why give people more gold when the prices are ludicrous. Divide the lot by 1m. There is a good start. The realative value doesnt change, but at least the numbers fit on a screen.
These new upgrades were a huge mistake imho. Bottom tier ebs needed more than a 50% boost to help out the low end players. The game is now fully revolving around HTE and the hardest ebs. Devs need to let a roof on stats exist for a while or slash HF prices already because its hard to keep pace.
Or just remove tier 6&7. Give us all a weeks notice. Refund all gold to those with tier 6/7. And we move fwd. More conpetition at the top and mid tier players that believe build conplete is possible. Job done.
Agree & Disagree Make them work for it yes, but give everyone the damn refund this time. Not just "Between then and now". When they did Hl cuts it screwed me over horribly on both of my accounts. Now give me a refund based on my 25 lv5 HF building . I can see that being a fair compromise.
Then tell me why my main account was forum ban for 7 days when every other forum ban in history has been for 1 day unless they was on their 3rd silence? In the year that the VIP "Bata" has been out we have seen 2 new top tier EBS, New Lands, And hier tiers for the builds in the lands. Cella and Red are making 1tril a pop on HTE Events are money pits and you have done little to fix the Ally market. In fact all you have done is destroy it. and having the first 24 lands for free, and a crap plunder increase on EB's does next to nothing to keep New and Mid build players. Alt Life.
This is always the dumbest statement I see in these threads. You moron, if I hit the button one time I'm working for it. So if devs were to slash prices I would still be working for the buildings. Get a better argument
A slash in the HF buildings is a bad move but a 25% cut wouldn't hurt. A cut in the lands would be too much. Just my brief opinion
Whats funny is without noticing what they have done again....devs have just totally destroyed war system with these newest upgrades. The more greedy they get the more they destroy the hand that feeds them.
To help all the unhappiness why not just make Hte free. Then create a super Hte that pays double or triple and cost the same 59 noobs to open.