
Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed473, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Ok heres the thing youre forgetting. Spies are counted at 1/3 higher than their stats. You guys are spy heavy. Thats why you match silver. Next time try a more ballanced roster
  2. How about OP stops making threads?๎— Can i get some support on that?
  3. I can provide cover fire
    Cuz ya know

    Got a minigun from my care package
  4. See op, this is why you shouldn't have gone with a sniper loadout on an assault map -.-
  5. When we were out matched by 130mcs.... I can understand frustration.
  6. This made lol in RL.
  7. Have you tried feedback?
  8. Support
  9. MLG
  10. Op your 12, give it up
  11. Devs how did this happen?
  12. Incoming predator missile
  13. Hold up I got a juggernaut.
  14. Valkyrie missile incoming
  15. Why'd you take my care package?
  16. You're*
  17. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhh the war didn't go proper and it's all the devs fault for everything...

    You should probably quit or something...

    Or grow the **** up and quit being such a loser...
  18. Don't worry Seth... The first part of recovery is admitting you are powerless...

    Good luck out there you dick๎„