Syria Airstrikes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SAWFT, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Seriously though it's not like you can sit around a table with isis /isil and discuss democracy and free will is it?
  2. Should add Turkey to the hit list for secretly funding isis while being a ' valued member ' of the eu, pfft what a joke
  3. Civilian casualties is not a big concern with Britain's Brimstone missiles.
  4. They aren't a valued member of the eu they are in the process of joining the eu have been since 1999. They are a valued part of NATO have been for many years.
    As for the claims that daesh is being funded by turkey that's coming from Russian and Syrian sources so when I hear from a few others I'll take it more seriously.
  5. Ty for the correction, proof is pretty damning so far, satellite imagery + transcripts available on line, likening the Turkish pm and family to the gaddafis

  6. Jeremy Corbyn seems to think so 
  7. Corbyn lol

  8. Turkey is allowing oil trade route from IS oil fields They have video of it. Now since IS controls the majority of Syria bombs are the first start. If the Syrians can't stand up and fend for themselves or go to Assad controled areas then what is everyone supposed to do? Get on loud speakers and announce date/time of air strikes?
  9. You say nothing bad will come from it we will see Isis in London next.
  10. Turkey buy oil from Isis there is enough proof.

  11. You are aware we have been bombing Isis in Iraq for ages right? The argument for it bringing them to the uk is weak at best. We are a strong western democracy that rejects their ideologies, we have and always will be targeted. EXTENDING air strikes (note that word) into Syria is no declaration of war vs Isis, we already are at war with them, this is just a new front.
  12. They are in the UK already.
  13. @grizzy, of course they are in the uk, every city every town.
  14. This is not the solution, only more innocent people will have to give their lifes. Kids amongst them.

    You can't just bomb ISIS away, they need to cut off their customers and rescources. But i'm afraid they won't or can't.
  15. Turkey is no valued member of the EU. Only now because the borders with Syria it became very important. Turkey needs the EU to guard their borders and they need their money, EU needs Turkey to stop the massive flow of refugees and to guard their borders.

    Turkey is no valued member of the EU, they just need eachother.
  16. Well its worked so well in Iraq and Afghanistan....
  17. Anyone heard of the modern day knights Templar?
  18. If we dont bomb them they will bomb us
  19. I agree with you on this in the first part. The problem with airstrikes is the massive amount of collateral damage with innocent lives.
  20. Again not a massive concern with the British Brimstone missiles.