Swabia's guide to farming.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, May 11, 2013.

  1. Better a has been than a never was, Commando. Im back to lurking 
  2. As matter of fact we ain't new forumers. We've always been here. Just Swabia past his sell-by date.
  3. I wasn't talking to you.

    Whichever worm you are.

    I can't keep track :cry:

    I have like 2 on my FL that's really only how I keep track
  4. I know its really hard to read, but please. Put a little effort in it bud. :lol:
  5. Dragonite, im assuming with your vast knowledge of forum history, that you had an old account. seeing as this current one you are on is from december of 2012.... What was your old name?
  6. Worm, all of you look the same. How would I know which one of you is a *****? Oh, wait, you all are. Nm.

    Hit me all you want there haters. I'm hitting licki and that's all until I grow tired of it. He's not going to surrender and I see no point in stopping or growing so thats how its gonna be for a while. Maybe if you impress me I'll make you real boys and play with you next. I doubt you'll impress me,
    but stranger things have happened. Screen shot my wins/losses if you want to see my activity on him. I'm not all that active, but enough to keep him banked or losing cash.

    Pinned for half a day is a joke. I can't believe anyone would call that a credible threat. I can't believe anyone would fear that.

    I fought Fox for 8 months. I think 1/2 a day isn't even gonna show up on my newsfeed.

    1on1 is half a day, huh? Yea. Awesome. Way to go there, stud.
  7. Lol. Ask willy just earlier. I don't just keep you pinned. I keep you Zero'd. To the exact second.
  8. I don't remember, the idevice had broken a long time ago.

    But my original game join date was December 25th-ish 2010.

    My original Forum join date was Janurary-Feburary-ish 2011
  9. That's true justice, but I can see why your defending/ass kissing swabia u fight the same way, don't you remember me?!
  10. Nice thread swabs
  11. Swab. Tell me. Are you active enough to keep someone 0 spies and dtw to the minute / second, for 12 hours? No. You just send out a few attacks every now and then.

    That's day in, day out.
  12. Ahhh the i dont remember card. Got it. :roll:
  13. Dragonite, I remember all of my accounts names and every name they've ever had. I highly doubt you somehow managed to just "forget" your first account's name. Leave until you can come up with an alibi that is at the least somewhat believable.
  14. @Oli

    I'm serious. Just because it's an over used excuse doesn't mean in rare cases it's not true.

    Yea sure, I have no possible way of proving it to you, and choosing not to believe me us your opinion, that's fine.

    Btw, I have Castle Codes, PM me.

  15. I mean you can remember the join date of game AND forum... but not the name...
  16. The name wasn't as simple as any of my current ones.
  17. I can remember my usernames and passwords from games I played more than 5 years ago.. ask me when I started playing them? **** knows.. how you manage to only remember the dates.. Idk.. was you on the LB too?
  18. I don't understand how people can remember their exact join date. I don't even remember the year let alone the month 

    Off topic I know but this thread is garbage so...
  19. Swabia you have hit licki for 1/10 of what he has hit you. I've been keeping up. He's also fighting 2 others while fighting you.

    He knows you won't surrender as well. He just enjoys taking all your **** and posting the factual I formation about it on his wall, rather than posting vague BS on forums. You could never win against licki. Even if u were active 24/7
  20. I'm sure you could remember at least a simplified version, or quite possibly just part of it.