Swabia's guide to farming.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, May 11, 2013.

  1. Here's a RL pic of Morik being spanked (and liking it!)

  2. #FreeSwabia

    Post this in WC, I dare you.

  3. Jennifer Anniston in her younger days.

    She, would get it.
  4. WC didn't have much to say. Burn them as well.
  5. Morik :shock: what the **** ?
  6. And she would still get it.

  7. While I appreciate the mention glamour. There are much better farmers than I.

    Tornado is crazy good.
  8. @swabia

    did you ever make belle's thread for losing your bet on our osw? i believe when she asked for the thread you went inactive...but you clearly have enough time to make a thread for her if you can make this!
  9. I'm sorry Pin_Master but I've never heard of or seen you before.

  10. What does that have to do with anything? ^
  11. That's just Swabia and his bandwagoners thing.

    If they haven't heard of you, they won't fight back or acknowledge any promises they have made
  12. The only thing worse than a Swabia bandwagon is a CynderStryke and Val bandwagon ;) . That doesn't mean I like this thread though, farming is for bullies who have nothing better to do than be jerks to us who like EBs.
  13. Fail troll is fail 

    I don't want or need a bandwagon. Anyone who bandwagons on my nuts are first priority target.
  14. Guys, make a hate thread for me if you need to build a condo on my **** that bad. I'd love it. Heck, I love it here too. What am I saying?

    Worms, you suck and so does your clan.


    I extorted your noobs a while back. They don't even fight. Perhaps you should vete your admissions better so you don't pick up a guy whom has already contributed to my fund for spineless losers who give up before they try and fight an inactive player who isn't going to hit them anyhow? Isn't that how you'd put it? I can't fight so no one should give up to me?

    Licki did a good strip on me. He's moved on to another guy to farm and blocked me. I'm still hitting him because I'm not satisfied yet. He has to pay in pots when I hit him and I don't in either direction. So while its clear I don't care if my account grows as long as I have someone mad at me I wouldn't call it a win for licki yet. I got him to return fire today. I kinda like liki. His engrish is terrible, and he likes to farm. I'll stay on him. It's exciting.

    I lost about 150b I think. Not sure. I don't carry all that much in allies except the volleyed junk. I still have allies though so it wasn't a full clean out just a little nibble.

    Cynder got tooled by Tornado. I showed Val what my beanbag looks like and he stepped off. Idk what you're talking about by saying they've taken over where I left off. So perhaps you're right about forums, but if that's all it takes to impress you I'd still be on top.

    Don't invoke Tornado or Ahdragos on forums. They are terrible wicked men with penchant for buggery and looking for toolboxes such as yourself.

    Distance is busy writing. I talk to him sometimes. He's a cool dude. Helped me with my furnace a few times.
  15. Cyn please, I don't even try to troll. :)
    Also, page 6, post 1. Pure Cyn and Val ass kissing. ;)
  16. I asked belle to find the actual promise I made on forums. She hasn't found it.

    I'll honor the promise if someone finds it. Post it here.
  17. Cyn rocks wohoo!

    Cynder is the greatest farmer in 2013.
    Cynder once picked up a truck with his *****.
    Cynder benches 600lbs.
    Cynder stripped Chongo from #3 to #4 on ally LB.
  18. Where can I contact Distance?

    I miss him ;-;
    Our last conversation was like.......

    I think about a year ago
  19. LOL. Swabia

    "You extorted us guys a while back"

    Sure didnt extort **** from me. Tell me when your active again, I'll keep your lil ass pinned for half a day n we see what happens.