Hi Justice I'm A_Zs main. Sadly I'm not ody. I'm a friend of his though. He asked me to post something for him, he though he was forum banned , and, well.... ody is my favorite troll .
That's hilarious. Ty justice. A_z is naturally dtw at this time. But he can be sure to not care about that kingdom being a farm also.
I'm sure Jesus. You're that guy that's been around for quite a long time. Enough to know about Alison's threads and the several other things Ody knows about. But thankyou for giving me the same story as Ody and public ally owning up to being Ody's main. Funny how Ody and A_Z both edit and delete posts. Funny how A_Z accidentally posted that from a PC (as he was able to delete the post). Perhaps you posted on the wrong PC. Also funny how you're the only one who used emoji so far, confirming that you're a iDevice user and we already see the other two accounts are linked to a PC. For those that don't believe Jesus is the main of Ody. Here is evidence for what I've said above. There are the obvious links between all three accounts. Enjoy KaWers.
Yeah Ive know ody since he made his account but no more connections than that. He asked me to post something for him so i did. Im always ready for a good fight though. Ive been sitting in my clan inactive waiting for one
Hahaha. Yep okay Jesus. My favorite part is how quick your response was on A_Z and then how quickly it was removed. It's also funny how you happened to be lurking this thread at the same time and how Ody the extremely opinionated supports Swabia and surprisingly you're in Swabia's clan.