Surrender to ZAFT Corporation...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xX-InfamousNemesis-Xx, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. To all posting this thread talking foolishness, please go back to page 4 and read what I said to why op was getting farmed.

    ZeuSZAFT Leader
    Boss of Carnage
  2. Zeus, the Op mentioned only C0ldest. Did this start from something different then Op attacking C0ldest and the entire clan attacks him?
  3. Op farmed 2 smaller ZAFT accounts. And then trashed talked on coldest wall. So then op was taught a small lesson for picking on smaller members in our family. Our warnings on our clans say it all. We are extremely protective of our members especially if people want to try farm our smaller guys. A hit on one is a hit on all, be warned.
  4. I see. Everyone thought that he hit C0ldest first because that's the only name in op -.-
  5. No wonder Laoda ask us to avoid forums, is full of NOOBS!
  6. I don't understand why people find it necessary to make a big deal about any war family taking care of business. This same thing will happen if you farm any smaller member of any respectable war clan. Whether it be FAITH ZAFT iG Apocalypse family etc you will know not to attempt this again.

    I guess it comes down to you have never been apart of a clan that backs you but they just kick you to avoid any issue. Farming is all good and great but reality is you don't farm smaller members of any war clan and expect to not walk away confused naked cold and alone.

    I respect any family that will back it's members ferociously after being farmed. And stop with this 1v1 crap if you want a 1v1 fight I suggest you don't try finding one by farming your supposed 1v1 opponent while he sits unaware. You want a singles fight ask don't act you just might be surprised at the differences in response.
  7. J-A-C

    The Op only mentioned someone twice his stats as how it started. Forgive us for questioning why we should respect what seemed like a bigger guy and his clan taking on one smaller account. That isn't what happened but still.
  8. Any act of hostility to a war clan can be viewed as an act of war, war clans are targeted often not as a friendly act but as a deceleration of war.

    That is simply how I view it and I'm confident most in these clans see it the same way. When they are targeted and they've spent so much time in war being hit is associated with an act of war. Not farming not a simple nudge of hey let's 1v1 but hey I made the first move and I'm going to continue this fight.

    Regardless of size, also, op would never see C0ldest in his bl as the size difference is to large. I'd view that as he found me in bl but not as a target he searched for me.
  9. There was a lot of people giving respect. I didn't view a clan versus one as respectable from already bad odds. If they were smaller, it's understandable. C0ldest was a lot bigger.
  10. I see someone who keeps talking smack is about to get a visit from my alt!!! Keep running your mouth obo whatever your name is, before I test the limits of your pot count@
  11. The fact remains if he hit C0ldest he did not find him I his battle list he typed his name in search or he went to clan to target but that's besides the point, the point being, if you want a single player vs single player fight don't start attacking random people in war clans.

    Attacking any player in a war clan will most likely be viewed as an act of war or aggression, simple, end of story. It doesn't matter if C0ldest was the target or if they were smaller, if you farm a member of a war clan you're going to feel some heat as it's viewed as an act of aggression towards said clan.
  12. No one in ZAFT complains about getting hits. If someone hit me from BL and is not bigger than me I would gladly accept it as one on one. But then again people should always remember this, one hit on ZAFT is a hit on all if you don't like it then don't hit us in the first place. If you have the balls to hit ZAFT and know that a hit on one is a hit on all don't complain later when you get pinned. WFTT.
  13. ^that's partially false I can definitely name some folks that have whined about receiving a few hits just sayin
  14.  To ZAFT for defending aggressively the clan. Pity anyone who doesn't know what they're getting into hitting Cold 
  15. I can't believe people posting a ZAFT thread without reading the whole thing.

    1. OP is apologizing to the whole of ZAFT
    2. He was warned my C0LDEST, not to hit smaller ZAFTies, but he went ahead n trash talked on C0LDEST Wall and attacked him.
    3. OP hit the smaller members and got whacked by whole clan. (Written on ZAFT clan page)
    4. 1vs1, I don't have time for childishness neither does C0LDEST. 1v1, doesn't come by hitting a person, you invite the person for a 1v1.
    5, Kindly, read ZAFT clan page, then re-read the entire post here regarding the respect ZAFT portion.

    My Respects go out to ZAFT for again protecting their clannies.

    This is the Respect that everyone is giving to ZAFT.

    If you are talking trash w/o thinking through, please expect some stuff in your unused newsfeed > Battle
  16. Nice to see ZAFTies posting on forum. What happened to the old rule p
    of ZAFT members not posting on forums .... I believe that was one of Laoda commandments... Perhaps things has changed but its always nice to hear ZAFTs side of the story.

    P.S. a clan is there for a reason - it's like family protecting their members.... If you hit one you hit all - just like Yafi-Judgement