Surrender to ZAFT Corporation...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xX-InfamousNemesis-Xx, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. @ Coldest- farming me for pointing out you're ganging up? Can't take the truth? Talk about immature, angry and butthurt...
  2. Aah, then in that case Zeus OP is a fool.
  3. Thought CoS weren't supposed to run mouth in forums?
  4. CoS died. Anyway it's too late. I'm already being farmed by a few ZAFT members who are all much much bigger than me. I'm probably ending my Kawreer right now by pointing something out...
  5. Cos-owen you insist on running your mouth on this thread, you want to be whacked? fine im more than happy to oblige. Just so you know talking trash to me in forums doesnt burn troops, you'll be seeing me in your news lol
  6. I'm not running my mouth. I'm simply pointing out something everyone can already see anyway. I just asked a question as to why people love ZAFT so much. I'm not insulting ZAFT. Why not sort your problems like an adult and not just lash out in game by farming me, like an angry child would?
  7. You're not earning any respect from me my lashing out the way you are. Maybe if you took someone your size in a 1v1 fight, but not a whole family, all very big on one small person.
  8. Get over yourself! you think i play kaw to earn your respect? LOL i play kaw to beatdown morons like you. Nicely played owen.. stick your nose into somethings thats none of your business and then act surprised that you get the hammer? please keep running your mouth so i can keep farming lol
  9. *You
  10. Stfu owen does he look like cares bout grammar? Cuz I sure as hell no alot of ppl don't so...
    respect to ZAFT
  11. wow. A guy actually USES the Attack button on something other than an EB, on a living, breathing human being, one with TWICE his own stats, and it creates a whole big fiasco. wtfe.

    Islander had the guts to attack some1 with twice his stats and not only does the guy go overboard with his retaliation but then the rest of his clan gets in on it and it's a 1 vs all instead of a 1v1 like it should've been. Ive never respected ppl who hide behind clans. Especially over a few hits. Now, if c0ldest was getting farmed, on the other hand, i that would be a different story...

    Then ev1 congratulates them on a "job well done"? Like it wa some big feat they accomplished? shoot, i wish i had publicized all of my endeavors and apologies. Then I could be a badass too. and moreover because of a little trash talking on his wall? oh, the disrespect! When it comes to hitting the BL some ppl need to learn how to take a hit and dish it back without getting their whole clans involved like OP did. He took his incoming like a champ from what i heard. imo he shoulda hand him a tissue and a straw with that ass whoppin. I'm sure c0ldest'd know what to do with them.

    No, I'm not trying to save face here now, but I'm not against ZAFT by any means. I'm well aware and well versed on who they are and what they're capable of and have worked with them and for them on many occasions. But in this case I fail to see where all the "respects" posts come in to all this. I don't see where it was earned.

    And as always, with a post such as this, reprocussions will follow. I know this. Nevertheless i still have the gaul to speak my mind and say my piece and will take the forthcoming attacks as they come.
  12. Like you said, he attacked someone twice his stats, something completely unnecessary and unwise to do. If some random noob half your stats was to randomly steal you in the context of "battle list hits" or "1v1" would you not be annoyed and hit back?

    When you mess with ZAFT you don't get "1v1", steal one you steal all. It isn't about hiding behind any clan, it's about protecting a ZAFT family member. Don't complain later that you got hit if your primary intentions were to waste our time. If you have the time to open up battle list you have the time to at least check who you're hitting.

  13. I love reading all these post about wha whaaa whAa, why did u get the whole clan on 1 little ole person, why why why why. Were ZAFT were family and we dint intend to let ANYONE come in our house and hit our brothers and sisters, if we did then whats the ooint of being a clan? Go away owen because. Getting FAT and BORED and would love a new target!!!!!
  14. Oops because im getting fst and bored , I just slapped myself for that Muwahahahahahaha
  15. Unfortunately this was the reason why I left zaft destiny a while back omet.

    No disrespect to ZAFT. But c0ldest should've handled OP himself
  16. Dream, sure it's practical. It works. It protect you clan members well.

    But it damn isn't respectable to do a clan versus one. That's what everyone is getting at.
  17. Lol:) zaft are the best!:)
  18. AmericanDream:

    Why did he even mention the hits to the clan if he wasn't hiding behind his clan? C0ldest is more than doubled the other guys stats. That's something he could have very easily handled on his own.

    And no, I don't get annoyed about BL hits. I return the hits and move on. I don't flip **** and call the whole clan, especially if he is half my size.

    All of you who are posting respect: keep sucking ZAFT's dick. I respect ZAFT, but not for this. This is not respectable.
  19. Wow this is pathetic. I hit a zaft member on BL and he complaines about 2 hits. I see it as embarassing ; however, these are the members accepted in zaft. Funny thing is I see his name on this thread. If you are going to get an attitide over 2 hits on bl you shouldnt be playing. No disrespect to zaft but no respect to the individual