SuperSaiyan84's EB Equipment Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Bad-SuperSaiyan-Daddy, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Why te **** would you ever bump it?
  2. Bump mine instead :p
  3. A friend needed it. Watch your mouth.
  4. I like this guide better, I don't have to read thru all the garbage. I don't care what an item gives. We're going to want them all regardless. So stats matter little. It's just an easy marker to see which epic battles you do and don't want to do. Good guide 
  5. @grope. Agreed out do other guides. Be different special.

    Note: certain Ebs drop other items from different Ebs.
  6. Thanks for the guide, I actually like this set up by EB. Please keep updating it!
  7. Pretty nice, but to compete with other threads it needs the stats
  8. Good guide! I have been looking for a simple guide like this!
  9. Nice but Wulf has this up already. More detailed and better yet MORE PICTURES :shock: