Super Enchantment Fails?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by AkivaTheExiled, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. My greaves reset 20 times from 9 it cray cray, right? That's almost 200 Inferno. :roll: 
  2. I just had my first ever reset. :( it saddens me, my greaves were lvl 6 and I enchanted them but it failed, so I told my self " okay let's just use another inferno" but then I looked at my greaves and there were no enchanted glowy thing around it..... :(
  3. It happens a lot get used to that with the greaves
  4. Grieves always fail at level 7 to zero, then back and same, had happened 4 times to me. I just gave up
  5. "Oh no my greaves reset waaaaaaaa"-every damn person who complains about the greaves.

    Fact is they only cost INFERNO which you can buy with gold.

    Try a bow, I have had mine reset nine times, every time at level 6 that's 4 aqua killed with each reset. That is 36 aqua in total plus 99 inferno. So stop whining about greaves. Think of those other items that reset that need a lot of aqua
  6. My greaves reset more than 10 times. It's not easy to enchant at all. :-(
  7. I've had my bow to level 6 twice, and then it reset on me instead of going to level 7. It's currently at 6 again, and I'm not going to waste my time. I've also had my ring do the exact same thing.
  8. 200 inferno deep and counting!
  9. Enchantment fails are bogus
  10. Gold greaves are for nubs. Man up and do some EE. :cool:
  11. @OP
    Don't Worry!

    This is just the devs way of saying, "screw you! Pop off a few more xtals on an eb that gives aqua/inferno and you might get it next time. We luv r peyying kustomurz ;P"

    I Hope this post helped you with your problem, if you have anymore questions on how this game works, feel free to wall me or click the 'follow' button and I'll be glad to further impart my knowledge of MMORPG's. ^-^
  12. Just go with Red Paladin equipment and call it good. They never fail so you don't waste hours and hours or billions and billions of gold.
  13. My greaves reset at 7/10. I stopped bothering with them. Now the Deathstalker helm... Failed 5 times in a row and level 6 and no reset. :p
  14. At level 6* my apologies.
  15. I feel for the person whose exo armor reset from 9! My last 2 attempts failed. Much more costly. Yes my greeves reset from 7 to 0. Have at 8 where they will stay. BOW has reset 3 times (2 n 1 week), and had the most fails on. Look at bright side. At least we have dbl drops and the new eb's which drop more. (Got 10 aqua today).
  16. Iv wasted at least 50 inferno on greaves
    Managed to get it to lvl 9 and they reset
  17. Have you guys tried upgrading with a full unload, unequiping the item, and using spells? I've heard all of these work, and they have worked for me do far.
  18. U guys though legs were bad? My new gloves just failed the first 14 of 15 attempts to enchant at lvl 0 to 1
  19. Devs please stop the resets, fails I can handle because eventually it will enchant. But
    Stop the crazy resets.