Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady Seeing KAW respond to only the non event posts should tell us something.They just don't give a damn about its players,there isn't one positive post about these event but no responce it's just plain ignorance.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady Eh. Not surprising. Glad you increased ee rewards. Idk how making this 3 weeks instead of 2 is necessary. Banners look good though please try to implement somthing new each event so they aren't so stale. Going back to one item drop hunts would be great. No reason these events should change the ebs we run. If we want to do one eb b2b(other than hte) we should be able to and still participate in events
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady A lot of people are sick of the same promo over and over with different pictures. Mix it up a bit, run the psion promo again, or an annual clan promo with a reward being an extra place in clan roster. (people would spend $$$ on that!)
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady Yet another boring promo designed to bleed people!!!!! Wake up ATA. You are killing this game with your pure greed.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady Devs plz do a pure PVP event where whole KaW is casted. That was one of the best moments in KaW for a lot of ppl. Plz do that again devs.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady If I had wasted hundreds of $$s on previous events only to find out that the equipment I won there is now obsolete, that too within a month, I would have sued the crap out of these Canadian Apes. A $5 burger lasts longer than these event equipments these days. But then again this is a good way to waste all that black money you earn in the real world. Can't put it elsewhere or the IRS would be after your ass. For the rest who are putting their hard earned $$s in this, you have all my sympathy, or maybe you have surplus money so you don't need any sympathy. Either which way, keep at it, someone is paying for us to keep this game going and we appreciate your efforts and contributions.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady It was also one of the most frustrating for many many others. While many players may like war, forcing people to participate isn't something we plan to do at this time. Opting in still remains an option however.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady And while you are at it ATA, please increase the aqua inferno drop rates or reduce the numbers required to enchant this crap. We wasted all our previous supply for equipments that didn't even last 2 weeks. And it takes a year to build enough to enchant these new event equipments, which again won't last 2 weeks till new ones come out.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady @Kaw_Community, This is called KaW for gods sake, if they are scared to get hit then quit the freaking game. Should just change name to KaEB by now as no pure PVP events are held. And not happy to hear that
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady This thread's butthurt-o-meter is about to rupture and get butt juice all over us. Please stop it, people! I'm wearing my good shoes today! :|
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady Kaw_community, I would like to ask what you think about increasing aqua/inferno drops? Is this something that could be done?
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady The artwork isn't special. It's nice. But nothing new. The story is.. Well we all know the story behind the event only took you 5 minutes while you were in the bathroom. These events really are driving people away. Events are fine. They're fun. But Change The Recipe. All these events have been the exact same with some new artwork. And is the name of this seriously Sun Lord and Green Lady? GREEN LADY? That sounds like a nightclub intoxicant. It wouldn't even be so bad if these events were a continuation of the last story or stories before it. It's just some new stupid junk that we will forget 3 days after its over. Please Apes, be more creative. WE LOVE THIS GAME. But your need to get money without doing much work is making the number of loyal players slowly decrease. Maybe there are more new players, but how long are they sticking around? I know you won't read this, but please, stop spewing out the same thing everytime you make a new event. It's driving people out and I don't want to see this game die.. But apparently you do.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady OK kaw what about a path event choose your path that was good I get a piece of eq to prove I'm not a complete EB fairy 24/7 and the pure EB fairy's get a piece of eq to prove they are a fairy 24/7.
Re: Sun Lord and Green Lady It was also one of the most frustrating for many many others. While many players may like war, forcing people to participate isn't something we plan to do at this time. Opting in still remains an option however.[/quote][/quote][/quote] These so called, PvP events, are just who can smash the osf the hardest. Copy paste the FIRST week long pvp event and make it opt in. Wouldnt be hard.