SUN Alliance offer a way out to Kotfe/CR/TS/WoG 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Karbonara, Jun 9, 2012.

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  1. None taken. Yes his army was powerful. But they got their asses handed to them when invaded. Leadership has a lot to do with it. even if you think aots was powerful. Look how quickly they fell when attacked. That's what happens when you have stupid leaders in it for only their own egos and crap. Like Gen. Custer.
  2. It takes a population to create a nation but only one man to destroy it.
  3. Hitler wasn't foolish.
  4. He was a genius who made stupid decisions. The difference between genius and insanity is success and popularity
  5. And yes he was foolish for thinking he could combat the world and win. He had plans laid out for the territorial distribution of America
  6. He had maps of South America being territorially distributed as well.
  7. He wasnt foolish or stupid, he went mad from syphilus. (excuse my spelling if i misspelled) It went to his brain about 6 months before invading Russia. Which if he would have ignored we might be currenty typing in german.
  8. This thread was created for the inevitable end of this conflict when the clans finally realize this SUN can't be eclipsed. This war is only just about to enter its second week. This war doesn't look like its going to end anytime soon so make yourselves comfortable and sleep well. I do
  9. Lol enjoy the sleep while your stripped
  10. Bump this thread two to fix first one
  11. Oh yeah vengeance, that's right I was stripped , by voodoo lol I am away on holiday and I've gone pure spy I'm not leaving any money out and I'm purely assassinating people at will using absolutely no pots every chance I get. I'm just acting as a pot burner for now and a stripper when the opportunities present themselves. Your clans cry and complain that we are always dtw and are doing eb's meanwhile your clans are burning hundreds of millions in spy attack pots everytime you try and pin me. I'm not actively playing this week so I pop into clan chat and ask who is active, I get a name then I unload on them. So sorry I decided to be a pure spy with every advantage in a war game but your crying is falling on deaf ears I don't care I will hit you guys till I get orders to stop. You don't like it well TFS, it's game mechanics until KAW changes this will be how wars are fought. I was an attack build at one point in time and I've been there :active, unloading ,keeping people pinned ,having many sleepless nights trying to avoid getting stripped, but guess what I was stripped anyway. The zig alliance got me back in November. So if you think for even a second I regret changing my build to be a pure spy your sourly mistaken. You don't think it's fair or honorable tuff I don't care. Voodoo was an old school attack build war clan too. The game has changed from what it used to be and guess what so did we. Wake up KAW this is what the new school war clans are gonna look like tactics are changing wars are going to be fought differently you'll figure it out sooner or later as you start to change your builds to try and protect your selves add towers, add SOS we will laugh as you do but believe me you will. Until then war on 
  12. Ya but old schools clans got something voodoo does not.......BANKS
  13. 
  14. Once again you go possum and let your alliance take the hits. More and more feeling bad for your alliance hung out as targets losing trillions while you "sleep."  think your post has much disrespect for those who are your brothers in war.


  15. wow you're a low life stringing out your so called friends as bait while you do nothing about it
  16. I have not string out anybody, I didn't start this war. I have people I've met and like and have respect for on the other side of this war. I have allies I'm getting to know little by little. KotFe started this war by attacking wulf. It's BS they took shots and war is war. But here we are. I have no idea what our banks look like so I'm pretty sure you don't either what I do know is when it's time to strip the stripping begins. I know our banks still grow I know you haven't been able to stop it. The allies I stand along side of I will stick up for them, I will stick it out. I don't leave them hanging. My honor is there, my allies can find no fault in me cause I will not waiver they are part of my family of clans and I will help them in any way I can. Even if it is just talking crap here in forums to turn your attention to me. I've fought along side of many of the clans I now find myself fighting against, I didn't waiver then and I'm not wavering now. I don't have anything to loose but their respect true you will never strip trillions in allies off of me but I'm not chasing the leader boards. I have not been the cause of any wars I'm not a ebully so I have no reason to feel guilty about where I stand. So you can keep beating your drums like somehow it's my fault you can't target my clan I know you try but can't do it again it's game mechanics not my fault .
  17. Respect to AotS and escpially The OutlawZ for holding out so long!
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