SUN Alliance offer a way out to Kotfe/CR/TS/WoG 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Karbonara, Jun 9, 2012.

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  1. Hmmm this thread still here?
  2. Army of the Sun, come get some. I am tired of pinning all your friends. I honestly get nothing back. Strip me, pin me, do as you will. But atleast make it interesting. No more forum threats and saying you dont get hit. Attack me and I will keep you busy.
  3. You dropped us for this debacle HTE? I figured you would stay with sun in war longer than 2 weeks.

    Did you at least tell SUN members you were dropping out or did you just do it behind their backs too
  4. happy kawing HTE at least u hit back 
  5. We never dropped UFS allies zero- you joined sun, as your allies we joined sun, you left sun, so technically you abandoned us?
  6. 
  7. Sean. All of your owners were briefed of our decision to leave sun. They all assured me 100% that if UfS pulled out HTE would do the same. Then after we withdrew all of the sudden my pm weren't returned and the next thing I know your HTE is on the forums as a sun voting member.

    I was always 100% up front with what UfS plans were with HTE. Unfortunately the forthrightness wasn't returned.

    Prince, mist, you, and the other hte owners never uttered a peep about dropping us as allies and joining sun as a voting member.

    I thought we garnered more respect than that but I obviously was mistaken.

    Good luck with those 
  8. Wow, well there was a breakdown in communication somewhere. we spent a long time debating on following you into sun. then when you left its seems we simply just didn't follow as we had no reason to leave. This is probably best not discussed in forums. seems Pretty of the thread topic.
  9. A discussion anywhere would put me ahead of none at all mate .
  10. Lol Zero we know who the true warriors are out of you 2 
  11. Disgusting. A cartoon comparing Wulf to a murderer of millions. And you all think it's funny.

    This is riot mentality at its best. Don't think for yourselves, just laugh at the funny picture.

    This needs a lock.

    THOROUGHLY disgusted by this community right now.
  12. Istrip go suck on your mommies titty you homo. I bet you are one of those people that thinks everyone deserves a trophy for failing at life.
  13. Someone say riot?
  14. It's not comparing Wulf to Hitler at all. He's using a hitler cartoon as a symbol not a comparison. He's not saying Wulf is a nazi. Just an idiot who though his army far superior and got his ass handed to him. That is the only possible comparison that a logical person would draw from that cartoon. But judging by your aots status you can't be very logical  so you're forgiven for your idiocy
  15. Cynder no offence but Hitlers army was pretty powerful  it was just the leader himself who was foolish, for biting more than his army could chew, eg. Russia, Britain and America.
  16. I find a hard time believing the OP when a sun clan has left but no clans on the KoTFE side have. It makes no sense
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