Summer Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _0ne, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Great post, glad to hear an LB players thoughts. I totally agree. Hope the devs find a way to make it even out in a way.
  2. Valid concern. I too had similer concerns about this and how it would play out. As Dev has mentioned in prior forums the EE style war isn't 100% fair based on participation of clans signed up. I'm sure the same issue will arise with the tournament/summer wars.
  3. Agreed 0ne  thanks for voicing this out. 
  4. Lot of big lurkers it seems...
  5. I see some of your point One. I have to say though I don't believe staying pinned for a war takes much skill. A turtle war win just shows you can get your clan to stay active. At least with estocs (which I hate), there is more strategy. As for those LB accts making clans too strong, it just indicates the LB accts will move to clans they feel are strongest. It was the same in the last summer wars.
  6. Sorry but I respectfully disagree with your statement that there is more strategy in EE. A turtle war requires strategy such as knowing which players to activate and when. It also requires finding and noting regen times of opponents so you can pin yourself and them, thus preventing them from adding plunder while simultaneously boosting your own plunder. (I've heard people say that EE are strategic because you have to have good timekeepers, but some of the best system war players I fought alongside already kept times of opponents regen.) And you brush off the concept of a clan staying active to keep pinned as if this happens commonly. I've been in many wars where someone joins war and fights for an hour and then declares they are going to sleep or they are off to work. Keeping a team active enough to fight from pin really isn't something that happens unless you have trained, dedicated warriors.

    EE wars are more about brute strength and power than strategy. It's very hard to have a team with lesser size and numbers win EE (note all the complaints about mismatches) yet that could be accomplished with sys wars because a few players with good strategic know how could triumph.

    I'll stop at that since I'm sure I'll now see tl:dr from the trolls that need feeding 
  7. I agree with gwen espically when u must find ur leaks and thier regen time to stop your enemy from gaining used to be full of "xxx" 3/3/9 p :7 and such...
  8. Hmmm, good question. This will let the dev start scratching their head.
  9. Wish i could see those "big lurkers" from my phone. They probably have little alts in my clan. XD Id really hate to see our clan matched against a premier Estoc/Strongest clan such as War-Lor, or RCA or WILDERS. We wouldnt stand a chance. Would be a nice break from the norm of 2hr ff's complaints of mismatch though. In the mean time, respect to those clans, and others. Someday we will get our lazy CS up and see ya up there.
  10. Wow skull on forum!! Yoz!!

    Gd point by op. no way could fair match be made unless dev split the participant and roster themselves.even so it will not be 100% fair in ppl's eyes

    Currently ee wars still hav couples of outstanding issues. Match up still needs improving (even if match is found, hope clan owners hav the option to accept the matchup if its like less than 5 players difference) and tz rotation etc.

    Hope dev iron out these outstanding issues b4 kicking off the war tournament wi the same **** but bigger scale
  11. Main good points. To touch on some:

    EE does not take near the strategy old system took, it just takes more planning(or did prior to last update).


    I've also thought on this and honestly can't come up with answer. Even my clan when all home sits on lb, but we have no lbers and can't bang with clans with multiple lbers in them under this system.

    The only thing I can think of beating a stacked clan is a clan stacked opposite of lb stacking. Meaning a clan full of guild hansels or something along those lines. Making it where the stacked lb clan simply make no gold because they are hitting tiny accounts. Idk if it would even work but it's about the only possibility I can think of to beat a stacked clan. It's very turtle like.

    Hopefully kaw address these concerns, because they are valid and most of the community want to know if this is going to be another ata bust.
  12. Bring back system wars and ditch this EE rubbish problem solved
  13. I think there should be KO LB system to show us who will be chosen for All-star ...., btw idk how want devs create clans from ppl around LB ?

    next: Prepare that smaller clans 700-1000 LB could have more KO than top clans; but if devs plan calculate best players according plunder (then always win LB players) actions (always win hansels) .... so KO looks like best choice
  14. Really, if foxes or iG can get a full team thats 120 members and easy win
  15. Curent maximum numbers are 45 and 60.
  16. @mp soul

    I don't think that route is the best for determining all stars for EE. There are several roles that you must take into effect. One a lot overlook is a sponge. Which is what I am in EE. I soak up well over 100 assa just to be ko'd, if not being assa'd, I soak up even more hits with scouts and attacks. That's a lot of resources being taken from the enemy just to ko one player. At the same time,

    There's also your trackers. Lots of time trackers are too busy tracking targets to get the ko's and hits that others do. Without the trackers there wouldn't be any type of all star.

    There are tons of other factors I could get into but this isn't the thread for that. It will be interest to see how this next tourney will run from start to finish. My vision of the future is clouded, and that means one of two things, Times of greatness or times of darkness will soon be upon kaw. Guess time will tell.
  17. EE was created to encourage clan teamwork and loyalty. Generally lb can fight each other and produce exciting wars, when the top of lb become involved it unlevels the playing field so much that false results are produced.
    Lb should have the same loyalty as the rest of kaw and stay in their "home clan" and bring the glory there. Let the lb stacking be saved for All-Star Wars when individual performance matters and is rewarded.
    WarLoR would like to see summers wars be what it was created to be, for the clans. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to happen.
  18. Last rights won by turtling. Who wants to joins war where the opponent is too scared to get hit?
  19. Not too scared to get hit, it's a tactic they used since going head on with ZAFT would result in them getting their butts kicked. Anyways I think everyone is forgetting one huge detail.. Kaw is a pay to win game