Summer War, final result: Last Rights Wins.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Congrats ls
  2. To the best of my knowledge (not speaking on behalf of the clan though) last rights did not strip any ZAFT members. We have stripped in previous wars but not in the finals, all plunder was made by pure dedication and most probably organised sweeping.

    Everyone's said it but I'll say it aswell, this is last rights for god sakes. We have ex-BH and even ex-NAL players, if we did strip we would most likely shout to high heavens that we did it. And previous opponents take it well, so why don't you innocent by-standers do the same?
  3. yes, it appears stripping is now cheating! Coming from Zaft, it sounds even more hilariousI'm being accused by Laoda, of stripping, now he even put me on ZD ca for being a 'cheater'. He must forgot, My build dun need opponent to have any gold out, I can steal empty target. Sometimes I think if its still Laoda?..The guy they say I stripped is attack build who simply went afk. But don't get me wrong, I have no problem with stripping in sw, i'd strip if it was neededand yes I'd be proud to admit it if I did lol as far as I recall, planting a mole and stripping was just a dirty strategy.
    But I guess it's too hard to admit the defeat for Zaft, admit that we simply pinned better. SW are not difficult, its all about activity/persistence/organization. Zaft was indeed a tough match, was hard to find leaks but not impossible. One of the mercs from zaft side, Fergus, told me BH botted on quests. Anything works for a guy who gave us the first lead and leaked the throughout the whole war lol
    Diablo, I think u should post ss of ur Allie being hired by Zaft during finals. Just FYI, there was 5 people who's allies were hired by Zaft during this war. Nothing is wrong with that. Except for stripping a pinned player is kind of nub and calling it 'cheating' after all is just pathetic. Correct me if I'm wrong
    Please find better excuse, u make ur self look like sore losers, Kawmunity thinks Zaft had class, don't let us down ffs

  4. 
    Nice speech TROUBLE 

  5. My hansel got stripped naked by 'meisha's nonWAR acc' ... How dumb is it to strip an active 0/0 troop acc

    Thnx alot ZAFT for this huge ring, and thnx meisha for the lil upgrade during finals 

    LAST RIGTS CREATED 3weeks b4 SW 
  6. All this for a ring....yessss my precioussss....
  7. Boo Hoo
  8. I was there.
    I was a guest.
    I am not last rights.
    There was no stripping done by Last Rights
    1. (Not that it would be cheating if there was.)
      Still waiting on someone to explain to me how stripping would give an edge in a turtle war where everyone is active.
    Zaft fought well.
    Just not as well as Last Rights.
    I salute the Zaft warriors who gave their all.
    There is no dishonor in defeat when you bring your A-Game
  9. Green makes everything official
  10. Lol ,, cheat what? You weren't in war so what do you know nub? And lol@nubs whining about 'turtle wars'

    Morons, do you think there's any other way about this with the current system? Blame the Devs, not the winners.
  11. It wasn't my allies being boughten it was Souls. 
  12. Congrats to all that warred on behalf of Last Rights  LOS and other alliances/friends we thank you! i was not in final, i COULD NOT dedicate every minute for 24hrs to this war. THOSE ON WINNING ROSTER COULD! regardless on how u feel about turtle wars, mercs, stripping or how big u think ur computer generated  is u have to respect the discipline required AND displayed here.
  13. and as for dropping def pots.. some of these people dropped, tens of thousands, in spy def pots worth hundreds billions in order to minimise plunder gained by zaft.. RESPECT!
  14. oh yea.. pups an alt. dont want to bin same category as supernuby back there n hide my main lol
  15. It was great summer war!! Thnx to ZD
  16. It was great summer war!! Thnx to ZD
  17. It was great summer war!! Thnx to ZD and all other clans we fought. We learned so much and became alot closer as family . Thnx LR to be member of your great clan.

    My biggest lesson of those 10weeks is that i won't participate in SW again. Unless new system will improve which i doubt.

    I Sold 40.000 of eich SDP to make sure if my phone crashed that ZAFT Coudnt make big plunder time to back up. Lost 2,5h doing it. .... And YESSSS it was worth it. I followed the call of some admins.

    Playing as team, organisation
  18. Playing as team, organisation and commitment is most important to make it. I NEVER thought we woud be in play-offs, not even dreamed abt winning.


  19. @zaft player comlplaining about cheating on page 20. i see your an alt. how cowardly. typical zaft player. and yes, im also a cowardly alt