Summer War Applications and Advertisements

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RS-Son-of-Poseidon, May 13, 2013.

  1. Support

    Wait ThisWorks?
  2. Name: AshesOfEden
    Build: People say I look like George St. Pierre.. If I had an 'Asian' name, it'd be either 'Han Sum Gai' or 'Hung Lo'

    Stats: 5'11, 170lbs, with an 84inch reach, can bench press 230lb, and run a 40 in 4.25!

    Techniques: Brazilian Jujitsu and Muay Thai

    Willingness to use Mith: Yup.. I'm good with any performance enhancing things

    War Experience: I've KO'ed (by accident) Cella in ee once. I also fail hit pot burned enemies annoyingly for months

    Other Skillz: I know how to post pictures in the forums.. Oh and I'm better looking than TimDaFreak

    Why Clans would want me?: I will take clan chat to the next level with games like 'Safe Word'..

    Please, please, let me in your clan!!
  3. In order for this to be successful we need to have volunteers! Don't be shy!
  4. Op, what makes you think there will be "summer wars"? Its not like devs have ever hosted them more than just last summer. EE wars have started since then and devs mentioned season two already which would put it into the summer season.
  5. I know that they did mention season 2, but there was a forum post a few weeks ago saying that there would be summer wars. Now I don't know if they will be replaced by estoc season 2, but the forum made it sound like they would be similar to last years
  6. EE/RANCOR wars have become increasingly merc and you know it! (All that people want are shiny red equip.. Everyone leave their home clans to 'war')

    I think we should do summer wars with ee mechanics but more (much more) clan focused.. All hardcore clans KNOW who their real perm members are.. (Hint: NOT war runners).. Let the hardcore ones 'lock' their rosters for a month for summer wars (They DO that in osw anyways!)

    Hehe.. Just sayin'
  7.  It's commando* not commander, n not even sure if they're doing summer wars are they? If so support
  8. Do they call you Commando cos you don't wear any underwear?
  9. They did call me freeballer initially but it grossed out the ladies, u want to see me naked ash
  10. Not until you shave or comb ur hair free of crabs
  11. But the crabs are my friends dammit! CRAB PEOPLE... CRAB PEOPLE...
  12. Bump to keep active. I understand that there is very little info at the moment, but once there is more info posted by the devs, Im sure we can get this off the ground, but at the moment I started a bit early in order to get people thinking about summer wars. Time flies, and the best clans are thinking about them already!
  13. Isn't summer war already over?
  14. Wont the clans with 50 rancor be competing instead of summer wars? I am not intune with these things lol.
  15. No carnage summer wars are over the summer
  16. And shadow, there are no clans with level 50 rancor because not everyone needs to war in estocs. Also, we don't know at the moment what the format will be for the summer wars. Some heard it will be like an estoc tournament. Others think regular estocs. Some think it will be like last year. At this time we dont know but this thread is to get the ball rolling.
  17. Bump we need asw to come I wonder how will people participate in that but summer wars are fun if you go into semi finals that is
  18. Please define 'Summer'..

    Cos in Canada, it only last about 2 weeks and half of that is bugs season