About time players realise the Devs only care about the players spending thousands if real dollars on this game and not the ones that actually work hard to get to where they are. Eventually they will realise that they will start loosing players as they can not compete with those on the leader boards and will eventually quit.
you used to be fair and have both big and small 2x ebs, now it biased to big players, please make it fair
Wow all these whiners. Just appreciate the fact that we get anything. Also when they did double gold it was small ebs which larger players got zero benefit from. Now larger players get a chance for some double gold.
I'll say this again to you small people, you guys don't have 150b buildings to pay for also I'm small and can hit these just fine
an eb that i will spend 2bil for mith and end bonus is too low. its still not a double pay. better doing tfc then. :roll:
big build got goot eb such as wasteland and frozen city and ofcourse haunting. Small people have noting to aid for . Big get bigger smaller stays on ground.
Where is the fairness that in so many of these double drop ebs more non-paying accounts are getting equipment than paying members?