summer of Cfs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. It's been stated you no longer have to drop build when I wasnt small I did get Cfs from clans worth a damn
  2. Chaos, shut up u EB fairy noob
    U don't know squat about real PvP or even getting a legit CF from a player who farmed u for a month straight. Ya, now go crawl into ur fairy dust filled hole u noob
  3. Dayum it's getting hot up in heyre
  4. noodle I've had more OSW/pvp experience than you'd believe
  5. I've had more just today than u ever had
  6. Terrible idea
  7. Balto will be asking me for a CF very soon.
  8. And you too frustol.
  9.  this guy 
  10. :lol: have fun with that

  11. Sign me up balto
  12. Lol frustol is DTW.
  13. Lol I hit quests noob u want me?
  14. Crappy build btw but ur DTW also so idc lol
  15. Lol quests? This isn't 2009.
  16. Lmao iron maiden has come out to play didnt I destroy you enough last time you were constantly pinned :lol: you keep acting so badass but never do **** go back to sucking the teats of failure and let the real fighters talk.
  17. Wow I pinned u with 40% of my spies :lol:
  18. If failure is your mom than I'm ready.
  19. Oh wow a your mom joke havnt heard those a billion times every day :roll: