summer of Cfs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Well ****. I'm sticking to this.
  2. Lol^ sorry you dropped build right before we started accepting everyone.
  3.  lets just get this over with
  4. Bump as most will not see this till now
  5. What's the point if farming someone for a few weeks? Just make a clan like pure evil and go cause havoc that's if you got what it takes 
  6. It's the full summer not a few weeks and its every summer
  7. Glad we no longer need to drop build lol
  8. just let balto have hiis fun
  9. Nice idea balto!

    *gets all 7 of my alts ready to beg for cf on my wall*
  10.  Lionclan 
  11. So is this happening or not? :lol:
  12. Dumb no support
  13. Y is it "dumb"
  14. I don't need his permission 2 PVP and I sure don't need to change my build to his liking just to PVP, therefor I repeat. Dumb
  15. It was already stated you'd no longer need to change build.
  16. No u fit in the CS lol

    He changed it to 6mil CS
  17. I'd much rather grow and then PvP when I'm pure spy and semiinactive xD lose nothing that way
  18. Did anyone read the changes?
  19. Balto if we all hit noob clans and counted our CF's we would have a few too I'll be impressed when you get one from a clan worth a damn