summer of Cfs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Damn that Is one sadistic toaster :shock:
  2. A joke... Balto dropped build for this "event" not what he said on my wall... This kid is an attention seeking nub, hitting noob accounts that have no idea how to war... Making kids cf for your own ego boost....lame
  4. Who-by-fire I did say I covered the truth up by MANY lies didnt I?
  5. How's your little event going? Never mind I don't care[​IMG]
  6. Going better than the sex I had with your girl. chubby chaser you live up to your name.
  7. Balto... "the great noob farmer" hahah
  8. Say whatever you want I'm better than you your just proving that throughout your huge ignorance the fact is your so unwilling to drop your build to fight me because you know you will lose that you will say anything to get out of it while seeming like you want to fight and as for your battle wins and losses it's around the same percentage mine are.
  9. Now leave my thread as you are flaming
  10. I'll leave this stupid thread only cause I'm the only one keeping it from dying... Farm on noob farmer, keep them 9 y/o's begging you to leave em alone ...what ever makes up for mums lack of affections
  11. Good read balto 
  12. i hereby nominate who-by-fire champion of Baltos Summer of CF.
    Congrats who. Or im sorry. Not sure yet.

    and as for Summer of Suck-

    ladies(lol) and gen, err, kids heres your winner; BALTO!!!!!
  13. I'll take that award gladly because that's one more award than you'll ever have.
  14. Thanks slim it's an honor buddy! ...I'd like to start out by thinking the man upstairs! (not god, my dad, he's been blowing my bathroom up for 'bout a half hour now!) I'd also like to think my wife, for putting up with my KaWcain habit! you are my world Olive! I love you honey! ...whats for dinner? And to my two wonderful children ...i can't wait till you're both 18! And finally Balto! The self proclaimed "farmer" ..none of this would be possible with out you and your never ending quest for acceptance and recognition! keep on keeping on balto, the struggle to get a clan full of 10 y/o's is real!
    Thank you all! You have no idea how much this means to me! ....Slim 4 president 2016!
  15. id like to start by saying shut the **** up idiots
  16. I knew it would happen if he was mentioned slim and who leave the thread and both of you do not respond to this post.
  17. So Slim and Who, what brought about these campaigns? Was it baltos idiotic idea? Please respond
  18. Cant be bothered for the fine print so to speak at the moment,
    as I'm sure you'll understand.

    In fact, _SLiM_ cant even be bothered to post with his main again
    on this thread. Thats why im here. One, its Balto thread. Suck level: mucho grande.
    Two, just **** you. Senor Who-by-Fire, Ill hand the podium to you and yours now.

    Again, **** you all, there will be no cf's granted for all summer, AND Who-by wins Balto's
    summer of cfs. By landslide. So **** you, die slow, climb to the nearest roof and take
    the quick way down. Thank you.
  19. ^ someone is both angry and should never speak again get off my thread.