Summer 2016 All Star Wars

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Just hope it's not the same team as doing those doing the new eb
  2. New eb? wasn't that planned to be at the same time as this promo?
  3. The new eb was planned to come out around the same time as part 6, not the exact same date as part 6 started. Atleast that's how I understood it! :)
  4. 2nd place is the 1st looser! The moment you start doing that it would only fair to give something to 3rd and 4th too! Asw is a gamble, just like real poker winner gets the pot!
  5. At the start unless major problems but unless it's released how do you know there's major problems.Oh yes their formula for balancing was a major problem,so because they can't short change the larger players in drops it's not being released.
    The results of their latest balancing shows that they do not test anything out,and having the clans eb pge showing the eb in the locked position for months tells me that it is ready and has been ready for quite awhile.
  6. Well my reasoning is that they got to the final and warred for all 18 hours so a weaker version of the banner would've been nice for them. I was on the winning team so them not getting a banner doesn't make a difference for me, I was simply making a suggestion.
  7. The problem is the re-balance probably pushed it back. Although I'm somewhat surprised about that whole affair. We all know the promo drops are based on final plunder, I don't need to see the code to know that. The more end plunder you get, the better the drops. Hence why a spy build benefits as they get less plunder during the eb, and more at the end. So why would you consider changing the end plunder as a fix? Weird. The only fix is to change how drops are given, eg quantity of hits.

    Anyhow a shame as that affects the eb launch. Now I hear of issues with the war battle list. Non event pvp accounts appearing in it will add to the devs backlog of fixes and push the eb back even further.

    (semi) patiently we sit hear in hope...
  8. Speaking from the losing team I don't care about any rewards I had fun all that matters. koing big guys was really fun and I think I did pretty well for my size maybe I win it next time but if I don't it will still be a laugh. Also I think they did a great job getting the rest of the community involved with the betting.
  9. Agree with grizz

    But thanks for the thought, Kezz
  10. I also agree with Grizz

    Winner take all and war to win n have fun.
    This from a 2-time loser in the finals.
    Keep the Tradition alive cya next ASW
  11. When will the devs fix the bb code errors lmao