Summer 2015 All Star Wars

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. If I remember correctly the rewards are on part with the last All Star War, there was a good turn out for that one.
  2. Can we please get a response to if ally hires will be locked? Also what is to be done about stopping ps from opening themselves up?
  3. 6 hours war.... For badges? Lol
  4. Why the he'll did you guys cancel regular Indies for a day to sign up? That doesn't make sense
  5.  I wish I could be in it
  6. I wish I could be in it 
  7. Good job devs.. i actually think making it 12 hours would be better. So much fun.

    On top of the badges, give 1 nob as an ultimate reward. Or probably 100 gold. It will be so awesome
  8. Whoops didn't mean to send that twice 
  9. Now this event is a stupid one
  10. I just gotta say SERIOUSLY DEVS??? I waited over a Year for these ASW wars to come around again, can't believe i looked sooooo forward to NOTHING i can't even participate man this ENTIRE proposal and event Blows NO SUPPORT 
  11. Do not worry. 1600 out of 10000 look too much. Wait for mgs for dev to cast once they notice they not got 1600 people willing to war wasting weekend. Dev will need 1600 peep who can spend $ for crystal. It's ongoing practice.
  12. I don't get it..
    How would no DTW work (more so for a spy) if you you wanted to land any shots? Lol
    Then again I've tried system wars nowadays and they really make no sense to me.
  13. It's only $5.99 for 6 Xtals. Big deal

    A lot of the top 1600 won't take part, so you're looking at almost Top 10,000
    Just cast, you'll get it if others aren't casting
  14. Crystal thing I said that if dev didn't get 1600//people opt in from 10000 then they will move to everyone else... As war get them crystal. Say in 3 day everyone cast average of 10 crystal its $ 16000/for dev.

    And I doubt top 10000// will have enough people to castnfpr war. Top guys are mostly EB player who in b2b hte. They won't dare wars
  15. The main thing about ASW, is the faster than WC chatter in CC.

    The constant chatter, and the coming together to whack some biggies together or smash smaller peeps alone.

    No DTW is super cool, a PS would want a Stable out, else they'll be constant open if they've any spies at all.

    Everyone would want to have Def Buildings, to force the attackers to lose more troops and spies as they attack, assassinate, steal or scout you.

    The peeps at the bottom have problems.
    The peeps at the top have problem too.

    The ones in the middle, now they'll be having some serious fun, like Chaos and Froggy.

    If no hiring of Allies are allowed, that would help the PS. At least his 10T Ally won't disappear. Lol

    6 Xtal needed (2 Xtal/war)
    24 Mithrils needed (8 Mith/War)
    5000 each of every single pot (to survive the 18-hours)
    You'd need about 500B min in Allies, 4T would be better.

    The main battle isn't the ASW, it's after the ASW, when literally clans do OSW for failure to turn up during the ASW.
    It's no surprise that some peeps literally drop off the LB Top 200.
  16. What are you talking about lol?
  17. Right? Lmao
  18. Devs have yet to provide an answer to this question

  19. His first forum post.....awwwww so cute
  20. Im pretty sure the dts/dtw is just hit range. Not mechanics.