Suggestion: Self Sabotage for VENGEANCE!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIlBreaking-BadlIl, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Support
  2. While i love the concept, it won't work. There will be idiots who would yse this to farm innocent newbs
  3. Is that not the idea of it?
  4. 100% support, those wee kids with there small cs, sayin and doin what they want, but just hav a small alt for them, 
  5. Great idea but if you really have to hit a noob take down your build
  6. 100% support think of all the tortured noobs crying in wc
  7. Floppy, the idea with the curses is that it lowers your defence as well as attack, so it' becomes more like a 1v1, rather than just farming.

    However, this could be a problem with the attack pots... perhaps it could be resolved by giving you one weakening defence pot with every attack pot you buy. Obviously the defence pots would have to be unsellable.
  8. Support.. No more need for low stat alts.
  9. Huge support.... Always have some statless alt/noob trying to talk trash and can't do anything about ... Now you can... U go sol. Great idea
  10. The cost associated with hitting a small player wouldn't even be worth it.

    Makes a low stat alt worth having.
  11. Anyone remember the thread moose made about this idea? I do.
  12. I actually kinda dig this idea Lolz

  13. Hahahaha!!!!! Support immensely!!!! 
  14. This seems like itd be to easily abused, i doubt theyll do it, but it would come in handy
  15. Wait a sec, can't this be used in reverse. Like huge stat EB noobs use this to drop out of OSW?
  16. Like I say, this would be done purely out of spite and vengeance. You get nothing out of it except that warm feeling inside that you just put a noob in it's place. Lol.
    Also, making a whole new account on another device or PC is a lot of work. Buying a few pots or casting a spell would be much simpler.
  17. Possibly, though I don't think they'd become dtw to another large stat account, they'd simple be no longer dts (defender too strong) to a small stat account. I don't think that could be abused...