
Discussion in 'Wars' started by ILoveSponge, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Support for sure!!  Great Idea!
  2. support
  3. support but only if discount reinburtment on equip already brought? and can change banners, as if thi case want change to balanced or att here
  4. as hate see the expensive mith items get even more costly
  5. as not everyone can each weekend neva mind do all the wars,

    plus if red equip increase all those brought some with dif banner got advantage

    way red equip released and gone might be too late do this Great idea without major tweaking
    refunds of mith etc
  6. i likey your idea. I dont need more equipment that needs mith however
  7. That is a great idea !!!!
  8. really good idea. support.
  9. Bump-Need More Support
  10. Bro you have 9 pages of support. Just send it already
  11. 10 pages
  12. Send the link or idea?
  13. Link to the thread and the idea.

    And guy who said 10, normally I would agree but my post wasn't a support post, and I have already posted before. So its only 9
  14. Make it pink and you got a deal!!
  15. How do I fix that?^^*
  16. Support, cool ideaski
  17. I also support the discount for the certain color and the ability to change once