Successful Spy Action KO in EE should maintain its Stealth

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Silph, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. No support. DISCOVERY is a rush and makes it interesting. I love the anticipation and race to SKO. What fun is impunity? Might as well be hitting an eb if the targets can't retaliate...
  2. they'll know that they're getting hit, and they'll know how many troops they're loosing, they just don't know who. and it's easy enough to find out. watch their battle wins. whoever has gained wins since you were koed obviously was the one to kill you.
  3. No support

    GH are OP as it is.
  4. Last I checked spy actions don't show up on battle wins so...

    I could go either way on the spy actions. I'm happy with the current way and I think I'd be fine if spy ko's were hidden
  5. Support, across the board, although I would like to see the scout success rate brought in line with steal and assa attempts.
  6. I gotta go with a support on this one
  7. Total support for assass and steal, not for scouts.
    Hansel build is becoming less and less interesting cause of these "indiscreet" actions. And except for gh cause i hate these builds :p
  8. Very good thought silph. I am all for it. I haven't taken the time to read all the comments but here is another thought on spies in war. I have considerable spy def BFE, u will not say how much because of osw, but I also have 60m static spy defense from towers. If anyone can use pots to scout with, it should also trip the pots to defend by the defender.

    Obviously I know that I need more BFA. In a EE war or any war, scouting should not be a free action. If people can use pots to scout with, the defender should be able to use pots to defend the same scouting action.

    DD 
  9. ^u should have been I
  10. Support Silphy!! 
  11. Support but 99% of my spy actions would be fails

  12. Support I guess. I just really want reimbursed for what the devs stole from me
  13. No support, its already fair enough. If you stealthily ko someone, its not fair if you arent even known. Maybe a better idea would be- only the koed guy knows who koed him. But the cc wont say so. Just my noob opinion
  14. makes hansel more desirable? they actually are and with 4mil SDT of most ppl in kaw will be hansels necessary builds
  15. I have different idea: stop cc reporting of sko or KO and your problem solved Silph ....

    •maybe should be here open reporting spell ad only 3 ppl in clan can use it ... this increase interesting and importance of leaders in wars
  16. btw I still haven't any idea why should be sko auto-reported on cc
    imagine it in real war: if someone killed the is killed and attacker know it; but if someone hidden in death corps then nobody know that is dead ...
    so stop auto-report of sko and wars more interesting
  17. No support