Thing is this is a alt Norma, it's 3 months old. My main is in osw. You jump to conclusions to quickly. Stupid pig. Btw I'm not zero'd
You forgot me Alison :cry: you forgot me even though I've been barely active, you haven't really stopped my growth or made me reset
Really? U xtaled on me before And u couldn't even keep me zero'd. Keep talking false propaganda scrub. And ur pinned cya later noobs.
Scouts? xD screenshot your fail xtal, spineless pig. (I know, best insult eveeeer) Btw, i like how you said "Btw im not zero'ed" and you xtalled the next few seconds :3
All I know is that I'm team Chubby. The rest is stupid and needs to die by fire. rage rage rage ragey ragerage