stupid weak pigs. the time is near

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. I once hit alison first. I just didnt talk **** beforehand...
  2. This thread is filled with the funniest insults 
  3. Alison is a noob at life.. Get a life alison ya noob
  4. End by us both walking away bored after KOTFE joined lol
  5. Lol, all people that challenge Alison to look cool are complete morons or were born without common sense. She pins everyone that challenges her and yet people still say she has no life. Why don't you guys get a brain, or get an IQ that's over 10.
  6. U have no life
  7. I really wonder if your definition of farming is 10 hits....
  8. do it for tha lulz
  9. I wanna be friends wid u alision :D!
  10. The amount of scumbags still leeching and feeding off this thread is ridiculous.

    It amazes me that you morons still think alison cares or finds your bullcrap relevant.
  11. That's so true anarchy. The thread was dead and gone, until the moron -dak- bumped it back to active because he needed to rally support, because he's being whacked.

    All in all. A new round of nitwits have joined the parade. Poor corsair. He has no clue.

    He's committed himself to have to spend troops on me to save face.

    I love the forum game. I rage and then they all rage. Noobs.

    They like marionettes.
  12. Dak is an embarrassment, I'm tempted to leave clan just out of the sheer embarrassment he brings to us.

    He bitches and moans about how you don't hit, what he doesn't realise is he is on here talking smack, rather than pushing the attack button and practicing the ******** he preaches.
  13. I honestly don't know how alison has a lot of enemies. Maybe I am dont know the whole story all of the time but it seems like she kicks butt and has fun doing it. Pretty likeable
  14. I thought this was gonna be a tgread about Warbeasts, but I was happily dissapointed. = )
  15. Bump.
    This is what caused her butt hurt thread about how game mechanics aren't fair.
  16. Lol to doom silly war beasts they never learn
  17. Im not going to read this whole thread bc ive read another by the OP and its all the same..lady goes crazy, looks like an idiot, complains that people r making fun of her thread, really goes crazy, so on so on. Anyway bump for people bored to have someone to laugh at.
  18. A at least your threads are entertaining !