Right I don't think you could even begin trying to destroy Val or narwhal you don't have enough people
Lmfao, bring out this group. I can guarantee, I have my own "group" that's allot bigger and guess what, they allllll me.
Lol love all the little forum noobs that praise Val and warn against "insulting him" You people, are no better than the OP.
Theres no way u can have seven dif devices that do kaw, unless u have 2 phones and 2 ipod and a pc, and thats not even! HOW MANY PHONES DO U HAVE! Jeez
my iQ dropped 7 points reading OP's posts. And I'd bet that a "big apoc guy" wouldnt be on forums calling someone "stupid" and thinking that having several devices "is gonna get him banned". Noob go smack yourself with your phone.
Sigh. Now you just sound like a complete dumb ****. I'll wait for incoming, and then when that happens, I'll pound whoever gives it Read wall PERM = PERMANENT. 365 days of the year, apart from Sundays.
Nice one,ppl dont acrually realize how dangerous my group is, ive won 5 osws with hansels WAY BIGGER THAN MY MAIN