Strips: Gold taken from steals

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. ...I'll take that as a no 
  2. Nice thread the numbers are not actual
    Finite numbers as they depend on build but the change in amount taken dose not affect the % taken so no matter the amount out it will not affect the % taken
  3. Hold on.. Hold on..

    These formulas are for eb noobs who don't know what OSW is all about.. Troll is trolling ya all..

    There are real secret formulas that real OSW players and clans use that most of kaw have never seen..

    I can't share all the formulas with you all since I have sworn into the secrecy of kaw illuminati ..


    When do you ever know me to play by the rules eh?..

    So here's a glimpse of one of these secret formulas..

    ((TxH)^3) (2*(pFxB)) log3(MtxCC))=RQ

    T=Terror Strips
    H=During HTE
    F=pwn them on Forums
    B=Butthurt posts
    Mt=Taunt with Mole
    CC=Their Clan Chat

    RQ=Rage Quit
  4. You said glimpse you gave the whole secret out
  5. I'm aware of a great many things lol. I won't take the time to list them though.
  6. Oh no no no.. They haven't seen advanced powerful secrets such as..

    How to control the Mage when ur enemy is upgrading..

    How to reverse minefield volley

    How to get Vixy all hot and bothered...

    Oh wait illuminati is calling me..
  7. Whys there so much science to stripping? Why can't it just be you hire their ally when they're asleep then u steal.. That's basically what it is.....
  9. Fail again :/

  10. Coz people want to know how much gold they took, nub.
  11. Meh, It still seems kinda pointless, nub.
  12. Had to wait until I was on a computer to reply correctly to this. Yes and no. The amount of steals Troll listed are to take a percentage, not an amount.

    For example if you were to pull a 1t strip and steal 7672 times, that would take 99.9%, leaving just under a bil left.

    Now if you take the 300t strip on harb, do the same amount of steals (7672) it would leave just under 300 bil out.

    So yes, it takes more steals to completely clean the person out on a bigger strip, but to take 99.9%, the steals will be the same.
  13. Um am I the only person who knows how to solve percent problems using the proportion method? Correct me if I'm wrong but let's do a little moron math.
    Is over of equals x over 100.
    Example: 3 is what percent of 4? 3 over 4 = x over 100, solve for x.
    3*100=4 times the %
    300= 4 times the %
    300/4= 4/4 times the %
    75 = the %

    So 84,979,272 IS what percent OF 94,711,019,772?

    84,979,272. * 100 = 8,497,927,200
    8,497,927,200 / 94,711,019,772 = .08972479887195021384844814000996
    Check for accuracy?

    .08972479887195021384844814000996*94711019772 = 8497927200
    8497927200 / 100 = 84979272

    So. Its been well over a decade since I've taken a math class but that makes the rounded off rate .09 and not .0009 correct?
  15. @ty

    Imagine that, ruby removed yours. Would have never guessed. Telling me to stay on topic is ironic since this thread doesn't require "support".

    I think you messed up that quote pretty badly by the way.


    .09% = 0.0009 decimal form. No idea what you said though.
  16. Multiply by 100 for your percent leaving your answer correct and proving troll right
  17. What you did was strip a percentile value and make it a numerical value and never put it back into what we were talking in (%)

    You are both correct
  18. Now that makes sense. Everything was stated in % so that is what threw me off. Here is a chunk of my data from a month ago on a much smaller gold amount. I will have to find the one done on 100b. 13mcs hybrid stealing on a 7mcs hansel.

    186670124 Someone stole 6,517,145 gold from you!

    180152979 Someone stole 5,994,616 gold from you!

    174158363 Someone stole 6,005,225 gold from you!

    168153138 Someone stole 4,936,907 gold from you!

    158820428 Someone stole 4,395,803 gold from you!

    154425011 Someone stole 2,762,934 gold from you!

    151662077 Someone stole 2,263,455 gold from you!

    149398622 Someone stole 2,288,160 gold from you!

    147110462 Someone stole 1,775,262 gold from you!

    145335200 Someone stole 728,039 gold from you!
    11/15 stls
    Number on the left is gold out and then the notification received after the steal.
    That is just one full bar from an hybrid with about 2m in spies stealing from a hansel with about 3m in spy defense. My numbers seemed much higher.

  19. 150mil our will not follow that equation no one strips 150mil anyway stripped 150bil those numbers would show much more in line