Strips: Gold taken from steals

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. You're correct that it will take more steals, but when you got big strips the first hits take so much that it's not a big difference at all.
  2. Do any of you ever get laid?
  3. (crickets chirping)
  4. This guide = inaccurate
  5. respect, cool thread troll.
  6. Max rate of gold taken is 0.24%.

    Very good thread 
  7. No support
  8. Not all that true a attack can take as much as 1% if the attacker is huge, Max is also kinda hard to tell on how kaw lays ppl out anyway.
  9. Interesting stats, educated dude. You need a job.
  10. Haters gunna hate.....

    I can validate the relative accuracy from the one time I was successfully stripped. There was 2,300 ish pots burnt on my strip. The timing couldn't have been any better. Fate was on their side since I was being a naughty boy and having too much fun in the bedroom . But I had nearly 2 tril out and came on to 50ish or 60 bil.

    Note: back to drunkens point about hansle's being difficult when fewer gold is out I cannot validate since I was an atk build then.

    Overall this thread is extremely helpful for those who are just learning the ways of OSW. Or fulfilling a personal vendetta. No such thing as a one man army in this game 
  11. Cause this game sucks to be too involved .
  12. Great guide troll. Sticky please.

  13. Was meant for steals.
    Gold taken by attk is exactly 3x higher I think.
  14. Most I've lost an what you can lose is 1% an atk, or rathe something like 0.98%
  15. Prove me wrong then, other than quoting numbers thrown out by other people who have never tested it little Jano.

    Would love to see you do it. I'm assuming you looked at the guide from FC and with your little mind are going to try to use that as a justification.

    As stated rate changes player to player, I chose a rate I saw as a middle and went with it.

  16. Thanks for the bumps. How's both of your alls permanent silences?
  17. I always support threads that makes value to kaw, and this one give me value and a lot of info, so well done Troll good job keep giving value to the forum.

  18. Guide is inaccurate. I've run many steal targets in PW. Nice try though.
  19. You are aware that was over 3 years ago and that hit ratios have dramatically changed since plunder wars which will change the rate.

    Numbers can be recalculated at whatever rate you want. If you are aware of size of opponent it can be made much more accurate. There's are just general numbers to give an idea.