:lol: :lol: :lol: he thinks relentless and everyone else is him. Obviously you dont know val's accounts very well.
Yes I remember U growing those accts. u told ur members they weren't to item on haunts so u could have them all
Dont mock val. He will destroy you. I know because his clan stripped me of a good chunk of money and farmed me for almost 4 hours once.
Lmao the clan agreed give me 3 days items, since I got them lvl 50 rancor. Then rest mart, pinky, jac, eagle, Goliath... I Cba naming all had them
No ****. -_- I've reset 4 times and been playing for close to a year. Reset from almost HLBC 3 times. I find resetting fun.
Madara? We did? We never usually "clan bang" I hate doing it. I let people 1v1, are u from wolves reborn?