Strip/steal is toast. Devs changed how steals work!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIIIIllllllllllIIIlllllllllIII, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. On second thought...I might be wrong
  2. 6 or 7 days ago, Hansel did tests on me and both spy and attack resulted in the same loss of money which was .1%
  3. Attacks aren't a fixed percent that I've seen. And attack strips aren't possible except on an OSF with allies (I.e. A weirdo) since troops get pinned. The whole reason strip/steals work is because spies can steal forever. And before you tell me you can't be stolen if you have no money, I'll point out that I have numerous screencaps to the contrary.

    Spies aren't nerfed by this, btw, as their income doesn't appear to have been changed in any way. It's still a stats comparison of your total power vs defenders total power, factoring in how many spies you're stealing with. So spies aren't hurt, they still make the same cash.
  4. okay this made me curious and i have had friends steal off me to figure things out and msgd the devs and this is what they said:

  5. that was their reply to me asking if the stealing enemies gold ratio has been nerfed.
  6. LIKE I TOLD EVERYONE BEFORE! 2012 is coming early!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!
  7. It's based on opponents power eggshen. In order for those those too be effective, a spy buld stealing from a t3build leaves too many factors. Those numbers aren't accurate.
  8. The devs said the same thing the last time they nerfed spy builds - I suspect the person responding for them doesn't even know. I can tell you that I have noticed an extreme increase in losses on troop attacks. Go test it for yourself before blowing me off. Builds do change tge amount lost, bit this matters less when you have more money out.
  9. not based on the spies stats either i lost the same ammount from a spy with 5400 and then a spy with 129k HMM
  10. Okay. This is getting interesting.
  11. I lost 190k with 508m out. Lol They definately changed something.
  12. Hansel. The money lost from a steal is only based on stats when defender has very little money out. If they have hundreds of millions, or billions, or tens of billions, then it is a fixed percentage of their cash on hand. It used to be 0.3%, from at least January (and probably before) and remained so until very recently. It is now 0.025%. I have confirmed both the old number and the new number through multiple tests with different defenders with different amounts of money on hand. I have no doubt in these numbers.

    The devs statement about no changes in the engine is absurd. Doesn't everyone remember when plunder from T3 was changed? I could tell you the exact date within a few days. I'm sure there's a forum thread about it somewhere too. It could not have been before about mid-January, and my guess is it was more like February. Two months ago. I am absolutely certain it was not last year, four months ago. 100% certain.

    When did they change the way spy steals worked with regard to the old LordDroopy/iiillliiiilllliiiiillllliiiiiilllllleureka style spy farm? That was also within the past four months, I am fairly certain.

    The changes to the game engine are usually quite easy to notice and quantify, if you're continually experimenting with game mechanics and documenting how things work, which is the primary focus of the clan Im in.

    This is definitely a change. I remember how strip/steals worked, as I was involved in soooo many of them in January and February. Today's tests confirm that things definitely do not work the way they did through Jan, Feb, March. Maybe it's been one day, or two, or a week, but it hasn't been much more than that since the defender's loss to a steal was changed from 0.3% to the new 0.025%.

    I just had to update my KaW Utility windows app today to correctly calculatr what to expect from steals at the new rate. I am positive this is a new thing.

  13. In reference to Grannybanger's post:

    The statement 'The game engine hasn't changed in over 4 months' specifically referred to the fact that spy stealing was not nerfed (i.e. the amount of gold that a spy wins has not changed). In fact, there has been no changes to the amount of gold an individual wins on a steal or attack.

    However, note that based on the feedback received from many users, strip/stealing has been made more difficult (i.e. you lose less gold on average). This is in response to the many people who have been abusing the system, while attackers could not retaliate.


    It should be a win for everyone (in effect, you lose less gold on a steal) except those exploiting loopholes that allow you to strip/steal from people without retaliation.
  14. And props to EggShen for dissecting the differences (*mostly* accurate, the calculation for number of steals to achieve 50-100% losses is inaccurate because it is not always a fixed percentage of gold being lost).

    To re-iterate: We didn't decrease the amount of gold anyone's making, only decreasing the amount of gold people lose (too many people were being abused and not being able to advance because they lost way more per steal than they could make).
  15. Sweet thanks KAW_Admin ScarletShadow can't wrongfully strip me overnight anymore!

  16. Also, strip/steal is not completely toast. We're still seeing people stripped/stolen. It just takes more time and a lot more co-ordination.
  17. Now this is gonna drive me crazy, not knowing where was the "partially inaccurate" counterpart to the "mostly accurate". Lol. I hope it's like, when I said I think it was Feb not Jan, it was actually Jan 30th or something.

    KaW Admin, I have still not been able to determine why I cannot attack a target with $0 gold, getting "too weak", while someone substantially stronger than me is able to, same target, same time. It's looking arbitrary so far. If you have any suggestion about why that's happening, please message me in my news. I'll keep trying to figure it out, but I'm afraid it's looking... kinda arbitrary.

    Thank you VERY MUCH for this elegant solution to the strip/steal epidemic which has been seriously damaging gameplay in the past few months. I cannot express how awesome this is. It doesn't completely negate the possibility of strip/steal, really, but it does make it way, way harder to pull off.

  18. So yeah, I was writing when you posted that. Lol. But yeah, toast was a bad choice of wording. 100 people with a few crystals each, or 25 people with 25 crystals each, and you can log several thousand successful steals which will pretty much destroy somebody. So it's not toast, but as you said, takes more coordination.

    What about a sliding scale, where the more steals that get logged on a defender in a day, the lower percentage loss he's hit with? Make it take 20,000 steals to burn 95% of a defender's money, something like that? Or would that be too tough to track how many steals have been logged against a player each day? I would think not, but...

    Sorry, just thinking out loud here. 
  19. It wouldn't be hard to track, but tracking wouldn't be the difficult part. The hard part would be when to start the count. When it comes to smaller numbers like ..... 50, it wouldn't be too hard to keep track of when each event occurred. But if it is an unlimited number that can easily reach 20,000 in a matter of hours, huge amount of memory taking up space.